Why did you join the Director of Healthcare Facilities program?
After a training in Health Law at the University of Bordeaux, I wanted to complete my Master 2 with a training allowing me to specialize in the field of health establishment management. The master’s degree in health law in Bordeaux included two parts, one part indemnifying personal injury and another part managing health care institutions. The latter part of the course covered very little accounting and management, which is essential in the management of a health care facility. When I looked at the job advertisements in this field, I quickly realized that a Master’s degree in health law + a Master’s degree in health care management was often in demand, so I wanted to complete my training by specializing even more, in order to be hired for a management position.
After 7 years of study in law, I wanted to leave the theoretical for the practical, to specialize while having an experience on the ground in order to realize the reality of the position I was considering but also, the opportunity to have a salary while continuing to specialize and study. A significant comfort.
The work-study program was therefore THE solution and this MSc 2 Director of Health Establishments was the most suitable training to specialize me. Having already a BAC+5 level, I was able to directly integrate the MSc 2 Director of Health Establishments, over 1 year, in alternation.
What do you like about the training?
First of all, the alternating model as I said above is a real plus. First of all, it allows a significant comfort of life with a salary at the end. The work-study program allows you to work while continuing your studies, to specialize, to be in the field and to better understand the theoretical issues that you learn in INSEEC courses. What I like is this complementarity between what you learn in class and what you can then apply in the field, in practice. Being confronted with the difficulties in the field allows us to discuss the problems encountered in class, to question ourselves about these difficulties and to find solutions to them.
Secondly, the speakers are industry professionals who are also in the field. They are therefore perfectly familiar with the problems and issues of the sector. This is therefore a definite advantage in responding to our problems in our business practice. The accessibility of the professors involved in the Master’s program is a plus.
Finally, the professional speakers and our fellow students also allow the creation of a network.
Did you easily find a work-study program
Finding an alternative was not easy.
I wanted to find my work placement in an EHPAD and not in another health establishment. As I did not have a car at that time, I prioritized the EHPAD in Bordeaux. After having sent more than fifty applications and having only a few negative returns from some EHPADs who kindly took the time to answer me. (Causes: position already taken as a work-study position in the directorate or the institution was not taking a work-study student). So I decided to go to each of these EHPAD to get an answer and to explain my project, leaving my CV and motivation letter. The last EHPAD in which I left my application was the right one! One call, one interview and I found my work-study program, finally! If I can give you some advice, don’t give up, even if you get a lot of negative responses or no response at all, keep applying everywhere you are interested, don’t hesitate to go to the interview, employers will remember you better if they see you in real life than on a resume photo. If you don’t get an answer, don’t hesitate to call back or show up, emails sometimes go by the wayside!
How does it work in the company?
I started by being in the company only, then at the end of September the courses started, I was then divided between courses and company.
It went divinely well, accompanied by Mrs. BAYTI, health executive and manager of the establishment who trained me, little by little and left me more and more responsibilities.
At the end of my training, I was offered a position as Director in this establishment, which I accepted. Today I don’t see the time passing and I don’t get bored for a second! The days follow one another and are not alike, every day is a challenge that I enjoy!
Updated 18 July 2022