Master of Science Project Management

Student in class discussing their project
Bac +3, Bac +4, Bac +5
Septembre, Février
Initial training, Apprenticeship
Bordeaux, Paris, Lyon
Home » Programmes et Formations » Master of Science Project Management

The MSc Project Management course (100% English)

This MSc 2 allows students wishing to train in project management to have the necessary knowledge on the multiple aspects of project management but also of the accompaniment of a team, in order to become the leaders sought by companies on which the success of their projects depends.

The program covers financial aspects of the project such as cost estimation and project financing, legal, regulatory and contractual aspects of the project, time management and planning, quality management and risk management, innovation in the project and marketing, and sales force and customer relationship management.

Since a project also depends heavily on the management of the team that collaborates in its success, companies are looking for professionals with strong leadership and support skills who will be able to preserve the cohesion of the group, anticipate possible problems and react.

2 students working in class

A 1 or 2 year degree to become an expert in project management

Holders of a BAC+3 can apply for thefirstyear of the MSc, and holders of a BAC+4 can apply directly for the second year.

The MSc 2 Project Management thus trains future graduates to perform this crucial and essential function within a company. Versatile, perceptive, reactive and extremely organized, they will be able to lead the project management, from its definition to its realization.

As the training has a professional vocation and is by definition based on concrete aspects, all the transversal and specific courses will allow the student to be in possession of all the technical skills, methods and values necessary to become real managers and administrators.

As the courses are taught by professionals from the sector, the students will be confronted from the beginning of the training with the realities of the profession and the new challenges to which the companies and their environment must adapt daily. By alternating between theoretical courses, professional situations, case studies and company simulations, this diversified program will make students aware of the technical, technological, organizational, ecological, managerial and international evolutions that are shaking up the business world, in order to ensure them a wide range of skills and a certain integration into the job market.

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Courses of the MSc in Project Management

The courses listed below are examples only and may vary slightly depending on the campus. The content of the courses is adapted each year to market developments and is updated before the start of each new school year.

Les cours de 1ère année


Business Game

The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.

Ateliers techniques professionnels et Management Personnel

  • CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.
  • Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management and leadership techniques (PRADITUS).
  • Skills assessment, coaching, digitization of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the defence of the applied research thesis.

Conférences Métiers

Presentation of the professions in the sector by professionals.


Gestion budgétaire et tableaux de bord

The objective is to acquire key skills in terms of budget management and reporting. The focus will be on budget architecture, with the implementation of summary documents, project management control and its link with budget management, and the creation and steering of performance indicators.

Business Plan et Création d’entreprise

The objective of this module is to learn how to draw up a business plan: Designing a costed project for the creation or development of a company.

Several steps are covered: feasibility study, market targeting, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, communication, financing plan and profitability.

Stratégie d’entreprise

A precise methodology for analyzing customer needs, market structure and competitor dynamics to identify opportunities and threats in the environment is presented.


To perfect English language comprehension and communication skills in a wider context than just business English. Students are required to take the TOEIC test.

Informatique de Gestion

This module aims to deepen students’ skills in IT to meet the needs of companies in terms of budgetary or commercial monitoring, project management, personnel management and communication: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, teamwork tools, business software.

It aims to be efficient with office automation tools, identify and correct errors quickly, customize existing tools or create your own tools.

Business Skills

What makes a successful business person?

Internal and external communication skill; managing your priorities and deadlines; organization and time management skills; how to be a great listener, writer and speaker; effective sales techniques; effective group dynamics and project management skills; understanding international business culture.

Business game

The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.


B2C Marketing

This course aims to illustrate the existing links between economics and marketing (Maslow/Schwartz/Rokeach/Murray). The following fundamental concepts in BtoC Marketing will be presented: Purchasing patterns; The role of key players; Segmentation; Analysing the supply; Studying the demand; Cultural behavior patterns; Company response and strategy.

International business law

This course aims to introduce legal issues which arise in negotiating, concluding and executing contracts in an international context. Such knowledge will help future global executives anticipate complex transactions abroad. Such transactions may involve contracting parties from several countries and the execution of contractual obligations in several nations.

International marketing

Based on a case-study approach, this course will review classic and web-based marketing strategies, focusing on the international challenges facing today’s global corporations. Students will study – among other approaches – some or all of the following strategic models: Blue Ocean Strategy; Megatrends and the Emergence of Metamarkets; Market Specialty as Differentiation; Customer-Led Business.

International trade

An introduction to the terminology, basics and initial concepts of international trade. This course provides the students with tools enabling them to think strategically in a global environment.

International purchasing and supply chain logistics

This course teaches the fundamentals of the procurement processes used by international corporations. Classes will combine theory and practical applications to illustrate the following key processes and actions: Purchasing Objectives, Procurement Process, Invitation to Tender, Vendor Selection and Management, Contract Negotiation, Supply Chain Management, Service Level Agreements, Quality Assurance, Legal and Contractual Obligations.

Global geopolitical and international relations

This seminar explores the role of international business and politics and their impact on global current events. From China to the Middle East, and from the United States to Europe, this course embraces such key factors as oil, terrorism, religion, demographics and ecology.

Incoterms and payment methods

By using various examples of leading international groups (LVMH, PPR…), this seminar introduces brand Incoterms is an abbreviation of ” International Commercial Terms ” published by the International Chamber of Commerce. Participants are introduced to this set of rules established for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade which parties to a contract can agree upon to avoid misunderstandings, disputes and litigation.

Focus on foreign market

Identify the consequences and lessons of the coronavirus crisis on globalization. Explore current issues concerning the macroeconomic, business and institutional environments and to analyse their implications for investment, firms’ operations and doing business.

Know how to identify international risks and opportunities in the international. To assess the institutional environment in which firms operate and the main institutional obstacles facing private businesses; Develop strategies and plans for a product / service launch, market entry for a company in a foreign country. Understand how to compete in international markets and the need for “global team” organizational structures designed to manage global companies and opportunities.

Les cours de 2ème année


Ateliers techniques professionnels et management personnel

CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.

Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management and leadership techniques (PRADITUS)

Skills assessment, coaching, digitization of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the defence of the applied research thesis.

LinkedIn workshops.


Project Costing & Estimation

A good cost estimate is essential for successful project management. In this module, the learner will become familiar with this process which takes into account direct costs, indirect costs and other factors, in order to define a budget that meets the financial commitment required for a successful project. The project manager will thus be able to estimate the future costs of a project, based on what is known, and thus define the project budget as accurately as possible.

Project Finance

In order to finance large-scale projects, a certain type of financing arrangement is used; this is called project financing or non-recourse financing. This module presents an overview of the main entities that invest in projects – SPV, Private Equity. Learners will be able to understand how these financial arrangements are set up and how the debt will be repaid.

Project Management

This module is a reminder of the fundamentals of project management. The main techniques will be presented and implemented in order to apply these techniques and better integrate them. Planning, budgeting and controlling will be the pillars of this module. Several areas will also be addressed with the objective of adapting to the teams, the timing and budget imposed.

Project Planning & Time Management

Time management and the planning it induces are the key to project management. Indeed, each project has an end or delivery date and in order to respect this date, a calendar must be respected taking into account the various stages of the project management with its possible delays of production or delivery. In this module, learners will be put in a professional situation to define a schedule and thus manage their own time but also that of their team to ensure that the schedule is respected. This involves the planning of tasks, monitoring and control of all project activities using a set of tools, methods and techniques.

Quality & Risk Management

A risk is anything that can have an impact on the project. As part of the planning process, risk management is the identification, determination and prioritization of risks that could arise in a project, how to control these risks, analyze them and how to be able to respond to them at all times during the project life cycle. In this module, the learner will be able to detect and manage risks starting with being able to define and specify a detailed project charter including the objectives, deadlines and deliverables of a project. Thus, they will be able to identify risks as early as possible in the project life cycle in order to reduce them and refine their quality process. In the event that the risk becomes a real problem, professional simulations will enable them to react and respond to it by quickly implementing corrective actions and updating processes.

Innovation & Leadership

Innovation management and its integration into project management is nowadays an imperative. Innovation management allows us to understand the management of a product or a service from its ideation to its launch on the market. This module also provides the right levers to be an inspiring leader in innovation.

International Business & Marketing Strategies

Projects are often not limited to one country, so you need to be able to plan a project from an international perspective. This module allows you to review the techniques for conquering a foreign territory and to propose a relevant marketing strategy according to the target.

International Business Law

This module will enable students to become aware of the various legal issues that arise when proposing, concluding or executing a contract in the context of an international project. Indeed, international trade involves contracting parties of several nationalities who are not necessarily governed by the same regulations. Thus, the jurisdiction of e-commerce is also addressed.

International Methods of Management

In today’s job market, we see the ability to work in cultural diversity. Indeed, the globalization of the post-World War II era has implied an increasing internationalization of companies. This is why it is essential that future managers are aware of and able to evolve within multicultural teams.

Strategic Management

Strategic project management generally involves planning, monitoring, analyzing and evaluating all of the needs of an organization in order to achieve its objectives. These strategies are constantly evolving and their success depends on the adaptability and responsiveness of project management. In this, this module will give the necessary tools to the students to be able to define the strategies, to deploy them but also to analyze their effectiveness and their profitability. The future Project Managers will thus be equipped with a certain operational efficiency in order to be a real pillar for their team and their company.

Motivation, Change Leadership & Stakeholders Management

Companies and groups evolve in a complex and changing environment that requires adaptation and agility. Being able to motivate your teams, integrate them into a change strategy and understand the interests of all stakeholders are now fundamental skills for a good manager.


Complex Sales & Key Account Management

From the fundamentals of sales techniques and negotiation, learners will understand how to deal with the environment and the complexity of negotiations with key accounts. The module will present the methodology for managing and negotiating with a major account (establishing a PAC, choosing targets, etc.), the negotiation process (objects, issues, stages) as well as the tools of persuasive communication (active listening, PORTER attitude, responses to objections, etc.).

Customer Relationship Management

This module takes into consideration the entire strategic and operational approach of “Customer Relationship Management or CRM” in a company, a key success factor for an organization. This module will allow the learner to understand the stakes and the place that the “Customer Relationship Management or CRM” approach takes in the global strategy of a company. The importance of this approach must be reflected in the construction of a relational marketing strategy for the company in order to win and retain customers, whether in B to B or B to C

Sales Force Management

This module will show the importance of harmonious team management using motivational levers, particularly in the context of a sales team. It will also demonstrate the central role of the sales force in a company. Students will be able to integrate the sales force into the overall marketing process, organize and develop it to achieve the company’s objectives and optimize productivity. They will also learn to manage the performance and motivation of a sales team by leading a team.

Managing Tenders : Purchasing & Sales Perspective

In an extremely competitive environment in which companies are currently evolving, many projects give rise to calls for tender. In this module, learners will be able to select suppliers, analyze and qualify data from bid responses in order to make decisions that benefit the company while accelerating the development cycles of new products or services. They will thus be able to master the key steps of the business engineering process to develop their commercial actions, manage a client project, design and orally support a commercial proposal related to a call for tenders.

Purchasing & Supply Chain Management

This module will enable learners to understand how purchasing works and what the main strategies are in order to be able to determine and prioritize the criteria for choosing a supplier and to develop the best import/export strategies for the company. It will also cover the concepts of sourcing and e-sourcing, logistics and international development, and the key stages of supply chain management.

Trade Negotiation

This module applies the fundamentals of negotiation and complex sales. In teams, learners will discover negotiations from an international perspective and will have to take into account the complexity of the projects. The challenges posed by the project as well as the problem solving will be a major asset in the acquisition of skills.

Foreign Language

2 start dates per year and varying study rhythms

There are two openings per year, in February/March and September/October. To check the opening of each intake, contact the admissions department directly.

The pace of the course may differ from campus to campus and depending on whether the course is carried out under an internship agreement (initial) or a professionalization/apprenticeship contract (continuing).

The work-study contract must be signed for a period of 12 months (MSc 2), 24 months (MSc1 + MSc 2) or 18 months for the staggered start of March (continuation of studies in MSc2).

Student from the Lyon campus who went abroad as part of his international business management program

Career opportunities after an MSc Project Management (100% English)

  • Import-export manager
  • Commercial engineer
  • Sales manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Commercial executive
  • Product manager

What business skills are developed?

  • Definition of the commercial strategy and proposal of a relevant offer
  • Development and implementation of sales engineering and customer relationship management
  • Management of sales teams
  • Steering the performance of commercial activities and managing budgets
  • Optional block: Business Engineering

This program delivers the title of“Manager of Business Development” | TITRE RNCP Level 7

The certification is obtained by capitalisation of all the blocks of skills.

For more details, please consult the online repository: https: //

What are the teaching methods?

Teaching methods

  • Lectures and interactive courses
  • Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
  • Conferences, seminars and educational visits

Evaluation methods

  • Individual or group case studies
  • Individual and group oral presentations
  • Individual and group files

Methods and tools

  • The evaluation methods are face-to-face, in the form of continuous assessment or final exams in the form of mid-term exams.

What are the tuition fees for the 2022/2023 MSc Project Management course?

Initial training:

  • Entry in MSc1 : 10 950 €.
  • Entry into MSc 2 after M1: 10 450 €.
  • Direct entry in MSc2 : 12 250 €.

Continuing education (sandwich course) :

  • Formation 24 mois : 23 550 € HT  
  • Entrée directe en MSc2 :  13 450 € HT 


  • VAE : 4 200€ HT
  • VAP : 850 € HT

International package: 490€.

What kind of financial aid is available?

INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes:

les chiffres clés de la formation en MSc Project Management


Taux de satisfaction global par rapport à la formation – Promo 2019


Taux de réussite – Promo 2019


Taux d’employabilité – Promo 2019

69 %

Taux de CDI à 6 mois – Promo 2019  


The OMNES Education Group pays particular attention to the societal environment, including the disability dimension. Indeed, we believe that students with disabilities should not have any problems in pursuing their studies and starting a professional career. We accompany them to facilitate their access to the premises, offer them personalized advice as well as adapted accommodations throughout their school career.

Accessibility of premises: all our campuses are accessible to people with disabilities.

To learn more about the OMNES Education Group’s disability policy, click here.

Contacts for disability referents by campus:
Bordeaux : Anne-Sophie SCHENKELS –
Lyon : Mylène BESTOSO –
Paris : Priscila SELVA –
Chambéry : Géraldine RIVAL –


Updated 8 January 2024