On January 22, Pierre-Yves Martin, former Director of the Southwest Network LCL and newly appointed Director of Retail Markets and new sponsor of the Finance division of the INSEEC Bordeaux MSc & MBA, spoke at a conference on the theme: “2015 challenges for the network bank: making the bank a relational and digital bank”.
A former graduate of INSEEC, class of 1991, Pierre-Yves Martin has had a 100% LCL career, having been, in turn, a corporate customer manager, marketing manager/CRM, director of individuals/professionals, regional director and finally network director.
Mr. Martin focused his talk on risk management: “Develop a taste for risk”. Indeed, new challenges are imposed on generalist banks, which are forced to adapt their model to :
- The installation of China at the center of the world
- A deteriorated economic context with historically low interest rates
- The threat of new entrants: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple
- Fluctuating and hard-to-identify customer behaviors. End of bank loyalty, high level of autonomy and requirement.
- Increasing complexity and stringency of banking regulations
The consequences for banks are multiple:
- This new unstable environment is weighing on their business. Faced with a foreseeable decline in their NBI, banks are seeking to identify growth drivers (e.g. Bancassurance) and then to create more value within the customer portfolios in stock (Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Management).
- Theneed for better management of counterparty risks, based on new prevention models, hasemerged in an increasingly sensitive environment (household overindebtedness, corporate default, fraud, etc.).
- A major challenge is to accelerate the optimization of productivity gains without degrading customer service.
Pierre-Yves Martin closed this conference by giving a last piece of advice to his godchildren: “Be: observant, agile, entrepreneurial… and digital!”
Updated 24 February 2022