Regulatory bodies in the French and international financial industries have tightened their requirements with a proliferation of new regulations
Dean of the Finance Department – Paris Campus
The MSc Risk Management, Control & Compliance course
Since the 2008 crisis, regulatory bodies in the French and international financial industries have tightened their requirements with a proliferation of new regulations. While these have indeed contributed to better control of the financial sphere and prevention of risks of bankruptcies and crises through a variety of angles and scopes (balance sheet stability, prevention of money laundering, corruption, operational risk prevention, etc.), the regulatory texts have become a new corpus of rules.
These regulations have become mandatory and prevalent in financial institutions, which face very heavy penalties in case of non-compliance. The needs have developed so rapidly that massive recruitment has been necessary; this has created a “windfall” effect on training focused on these issues: “Permanent Control and Compliance.”

A 1 or 2-year degree to become an expert in risk management and compliance.
Holders of a 3-year bachelor degree can apply for the first year of the MSc, and holders of a 4-year bachelor degree can apply directly for the second year of the MSc.
This programme enables students to acquire training adapted to the expectations of organisations in the areas of risk management, management control and compliance. The training emphasizes the important role of the controller and the compliance officer within an organization and the major impact of relevant risk management. We train students to participate in the implementation of corporate protection and decision-making mechanisms. The most common jobs are : risk officer, management controller, business and management consultant, compliance officer.
The objectives
The “Expert in Audit, Control & Consulting” certification is designed to meet the changing skills needs of the finance sector. The evolution of these skills stems from changes in the activities and professions of the finance sector: stricter regulatory environment as well as an increase in the volume of data to be processed and analyzed, digitalization, use of technology, professional standards and competition.
Targeted Activities :
- Steering and overseeing company performance
- Manage controls and conduct audits
- Advice and information on taxation and business law
- Lead teams in the context of an audit and performance analysis mission
How to apply to the MSc Risk Management, Control & Compliance at INSEEC?
The required prerequisites
The conditions for accessing the certification system (excluding VAE) are:
- For entry into the 1st year of the course (MSc 1): to have validated 180 ECTS (level 6, License or equivalent) in the field of marketing, commerce, management or communication. He must have a professional level of English for the English-speaking program.
- For entry into the 2nd year of the course (MSc 2): to have validated 240 ECTS (level 6, Master 1 or equivalent) in the field of marketing. He must have a professional level of English for the English-speaking program.
- Executive training is subject to specific prerequisites with professional experience taken into account.
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The courses presented below are given as an example, they may vary slightly depending on the teaching campus. The course content is adapted each year to market developments and updated before the start of each new school year.
1st Year Courses
Business Game
The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.
Professional Technical Workshops and Personal Management
- CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.
- Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, public speaking and stage fright management, management and leadership techniques (Praditus).
- Skills assessment, coaching, digitization of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the defence of the applied research thesis.
Business Conferences
Presentation of the jobs in the sector by professionals.
Budget management and dashboard reporting
The focus will be on structuring budgets, making use of summary documents, project controls as they relate to budget management and the creation and steering of performance indicators.
Business plan and setting up a company
The objective of this module is to learn how to draw up a business plan: Designing a costed project for the creation or development of a company.
Several steps are covered: feasibility study, market targeting, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, communication, financing plan and profitability.
Corporate strategy
A precise methodology for analyzing customer needs, market structure and competitor dynamics to identify opportunities and threats in the environment is presented.
This seminar focuses on a negotiation in a national and international context.
In particular, it will account for the impact of culture on an international negotiation. The national negotiation will focus on the sales process through role playing.
Perfect English language comprehension and communication skills in a wider context than just business English. Students are required to take the TOEIC test.
Management Information Systems
This module aims to deepen students’ IT skills to meet companies’ needs in budgetary or business monitoring, project management, personnel management and communications using Excel, Word PowerPoint, teamwork tools and business software.
By the end of the course, students will be adept with office automation tools, know how to quickly identify and correct errors, customize existing tools or create their own.
Business game
The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.
Business Skills
What makes a successful businessperson?
Internal and external communications skill; managing your priorities and deadlines; organization and time management skills; be a great listener, writer and speaker; effective sales techniques; effective group dynamics and project management skills; understanding international business culture.
Fundamentals of accounting
The knowledge acquired during this module will enable you to master the accounting system as well as the elements that make up the balance sheet and the income statement. The key concepts are the calculating net income, fixed assets, current operations, reductions, personnel expenses, stocks and loans.
Management control and business steering
The objective of this course is to know how to apply the fundamentals of management control in a professional context of activity management. The teaching will be based on practical cases of company creation in various structures (bank branch, profit center). Focus will be placed on the implementation of performance management tools through management control. Students will be able to create and interpret a dashboard, financial indicators and understand strategic decision-making based on reporting tools.
Audit and statutory accounting
The objective of this module is to make learners aware of the importance of opinion and the public interest mission of auditors. The focus will be on the differentiation between internal control and internal audit. The learner will be able to complete a risk table from audit tests, understand the concept of materiality, measure the importance of evidence in conclusions, and distinguish between management and auditor responsibility. The module will favour an approach based on case studies, in particular by studying the diagnosis of risks (case of expense accounts).
Advanced accounting
The course covers a presentation of accounting logic and its regulatory framework. It is structured around the main cycles of operations that affect the life of a company: incorporation, acquisition of assets and the creation of liabilities. At the end of this module, the learner will be able to understand accounting entries related to the main events that affect a company’s life cycle and interpret the accounting statements produced by the company.
Financial analysis
The final objective of this module is to introduce learners to the financial analysis of a company. The financial analysis will focus on the analysis of the activity ( intermediate mangement balances (IMB), self-finacning capacity (SFC)). Analysis will focus on activity (intermediate management balances (IMB), operating cash flows (CFO)) and on financial structure (equity transactions, operations, cash flows, supplements).
International financial statements
The objective of this course is to understand different types of management in order to run one’s team more efficiently. Management should be able to consider business objectives while guaranteeing team motivation and cohesion. The course also addresses how to identify conflict risks within the team by accounting for collaborators’ personalities and expectations. This course integrates various positive management scenarios and emphasizes the notion of leadership over that of management.
Business law
Definition of business law. The concept of contract. The different types of obligation: obligation of means and obligation of result. The concept of legal personality, the functioning of private and public limited companies and general partnerships (SARL, SA, SNC). Criteria for choosing a business structure. The role and powers of the control and management bodies. The principles and applications of corporate taxation. Tax optimization of a group. International taxation. VAT: principles and mechanisms. Special VAT regimes. The territoriality of VAT: the rules of territorial taxation, the deliveries of movable goods, the supply of services. The VAT due: the basis of VAT and how to calculate it.
Corporate finance
The objective of the course is to allow the student to acquire the first instincts of a financial analysis by having a comprehensive view of the company through the study and the analysis of the main existing financial documents (balance sheet and income statement). This work will be based on the analysis of the internal legal structure and its impact on the evolution of the company. Emphasis will also be placed on the ability to determine the profitability of an investment and on techniques for valuing a company.
Market finance
The objective of this module is to better understand the organization and functioning of the different segments of the capital markets as well as the characteristics and functioning of the main financial assets issued and traded on the markets. It is also about knowing how to manage a portfolio of fictitious financial assets. Here are the points that will be studied in class: the organization of the markets (typology, actors, regulatory authorities), the debt markets (money market, bond market), the equity markets (characteristics and typology of equities, operation, management of an equity portfolio), and the derivative markets (futures, options, swaps).
Corporate taxation
The objective of this course is to master tax regulation by learning the main taxes and duties pertaining to companies. Concepts such as income tax, registration fees, real estate wealth tax, corporate tax and VAT will be covered during this module. At the end of the course, the learner should be able to calculate the various taxes and duties affecting companies.
2nd Year Courses
Professional technical workshops and personal management
CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.
Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management and leadership techniques (PRADITUS)
Skills assessment, coaching, digitization of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the defence of the applied research thesis.
LinkedIn workshops.
Financial reporting & activity management
Group certification and statutory audit
The course prepares students to evolve in legal or contract audit situations by taking into account the reforms of legal auditing (European reform, PACTE). At the end of this course, students must be able to evaluate the stakes of an audit by measuring the specificities of a legal audit or a contract audit. They must also be able to describe the content of each engagement, define the auditor’s responsibilities and the purpose of the audit report.
Financial statements and diagnosis
This course covers analysis of a company’s economic and financial performance as well as its value creation process. There will also be a focus on profitability measures (capital investment and leverage) and value creation measures. At the end of this module, the student should be able to understand the impact of the company’s financial approach on the implementation of strategy and its repercussions on management control.
Management control and costing
The objective of this module is to master the basics of costing applied to management control. It will cover several points such as full costing, partial costing, fixed costs allocation, predetermination of costs and variance analysis. A focus will be made on the ABC (activity based costing) method, a tool for analysing costs by activity. At the end of this module, the learner should be able to understand and participate in the implementation of different costing methods.
Management control and strategic reporting
This course ensures that students are able to implement management tools through management control in a performance and strategic planning approach. To this end, this module will be based on performance management tools (reporting, dashboards, etc.) and performance indicators (customers, processes, financial, innovation learning). The BSC (balanced score card), a system for visualizing the company’s performance and its evolution, will be particularly studied. A role-playing game will allow learners to assimilate the concepts.
CSR and sustainable development
This module aims to develop a topic of current interest for all companies, which is corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR covers all the practices implemented by companies in order to apply the principles of sustainable development within the company, the three pillars of which are social, environmental and economic. At the end of this module, the learner must be able to determine the next steps in the company’s CSR policy in order to apply the principles of sustainable development: remuneration policies, environmental protection, disability, etc.
Change management and social organizational impact
Learn the role of a highly effective organizational change, transition or transformation manager in HR. Draw from a range of professional approaches to enable an organization to implement change smoothly. Motivate and ease people into adjusting to organizational change. Keep stakeholders engaged while an organization undergoes change or transformation. Minimize the risks involved with unsuccessful organizational change initiatives. Identify the roles needed to assemble teams most likely to deliver successful change.
Company taxation
This seminar covers the general tax principles applicable to companies while showing students the methods of determining taxable income. At the end of this course, students should be able to understand the taxation of a company’s results by understanding the fields of business income (BIC), non-business income (BNC) and agricultural income (BA). They will also have to master the various rules relating to corporate tax. A distinction will be made between the tax system for partnerships and that for corporations.
Risk management & audit
Internal control and risk management
This course will be devoted to the tools and organizational issues of internal controls and the fundamentals of risk management in companies. Other concepts will be addressed during this module, such as the regulatory environment related to internal control, the specificities of internal control in banks and its specificities. Participants will learn how to create an internal control framework as a steering tool. Finally, risk management will be analyzed through the establishment of a risk map.
Internal and group audit
This module, which focuses on the evolution of the auditor’s profession, will aim to study the tools and organisational issues of internal control, as well as auditing practices and reports. It will also cover the purpose of an internal group audit and audits of subsidiaries in a group.
IT audit and data security
This course will make students aware of the real risks of attacks on systems within a company and the realities and consequences of industrial espionage. To do this, we will work on tools to combat these potential threats and implement a strategy to identify vulnerabilities in an organization.
Audit of mergers and acquisitions
This course presents the different steps in an acquisition/disposal process: from the appointment of a board to the signing of the deal as well as the process of integrating a target with a focus on the intervention of financial due diligence experts.
France’s anti-corruption system
This module will cover the new French laws and standards, like the Sapin II law, in the fight against corruption and money-laundering. It will also touch on implementing a corporate strategy in response to the 8 pillars and the French anti-corruption agency’s (AFA) questionnaire.
International anti-bribery mechanism
This course introduces the main international anti-corruption laws (UK bribery act & FCPA). Concept of extraterritoriality of laws and its impact.
Implementation and monitoring of competition law
This course aims to master the laws and regulations on competition law in France and internationally as well as study business strategy that meets the requirements of the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF).
Protection of personal data
This course covers the fundamental concepts of rights and duties around personal data, the mastery of the new European law on the management of personal data (GDPR) and implementing business strategy that meets the requirements of the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty.
International sanctions
This module deals with the concept of international sanctions that can impact countries or companies (mainly import-export and company financing). And the strategy for implementing international legal intelligence & corporate protection.
Projects, internships and career paths
Company project
Resolve a company case or a professional application culminating in a presentation in front of the company and the teaching team.
The course content is adapted each year and updated before the start of the new school year
2 start dates per year and varying study formats
There are two openings per year, in February/March and September/October. To check the enrolment availability, contact the admissions department directly.
The pace of the courses may differ depending on the campus and whether the training is carried out under an internship agreement (full-time study) or a professionalization/apprenticeship contract (continuing education).
The work-study contract must be signed for a period of 12 months (MSc2) or 24 months (MSc1 + MSc2).
To find out the duration of the contract for our Spring intake, please contact the Admissions Department of the campus that interests you.

Career opportunities after an MSc Risk Management, Control & Compliance
- Management Controller
- Financial Auditor / Auditor
- Accounting Consultant / Finance Consultant / Management Consultant
- Accounting Manager
- Banking & Tax Lawyer / Financial Markets Lawyer
“The Expert in Audit, Control & Consulting” certification is a level 7 title (EU) diploma, NSF codes 313 and 314, awarded by INSEEC and IFG (INSEEC EXECUTIVE EDUCATION, CEERA, CEESO, MBA INSTITUTE, CEFAS and IFG), registered under number 35008 in the French National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) by decision of France Compétences on October 14, 2020.
The certification is awarded by completing all skills blocks in their entirety. Every skill in a block must be acquired in order to earn the block; partially complete blocks do not count. It is also possible to obtain the certification through Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).
Find the skills blocks for this RNCP title by clicking here.
What are the teaching methods?
Teaching methods
- Lectures and interactive courses
- Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
- Conferences, seminars and educational visits
Evaluation methods
- Individual or group case studies
- Individual and group oral presentations
- Individual and group files
Methods and tools
- The evaluation methods are in person, in the form of continuous assessment or final written exams.
What is the 2025/2026 tuition to enter the program?
Full-time studies:
- MSc1 : €11,400
- MSc2 : €12,950
Continuing education (sandwich course) :
- 24 months : €22,850 before tax
- MSc2 : €13,650 before tax
Initial training:
- MSc1 : 11 850 €
- MSc2 : 13 500 €
Continuing education (sandwich course) :
- 24 months : 23 850 € HT
- MSc2 : 24 250 € HT
- VAE : €4,200 before tax
- VAP : €850 before tax
International Student Pack: Mandatory fee of €490 for exclusive support services for international students.
What kind of financial aid is available?
INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes:
- The alternating rhythm, in internship or work-study contract
- The right to training via the CPF
- Partnerships with banking institutions referenced at INSEEC
National success rate – Class 2023
Presentation rate – Class 2023
Overall integration rate (196 respondents out of 472) – Class 2022
Satisfaction rate at 6 months – Class 2022
The OMNES Education Group pays particular attention to the societal environment, including the disability dimension. Indeed, we believe that students with disabilities should not have any problems in pursuing their studies and starting a professional career. We accompany them to facilitate their access to the premises, offer them personalized advice as well as adapted accommodations throughout their school career.
Accessibility of premises: all our campuses are accessible to people with disabilities.
To learn more about the OMNES Education Group’s disability policy, click here.
Contacts des référents handicap par campus :
- Bordeaux : Maxime DOUENS –
- Lyon : Anissa GASMI –
- Rennes : Laura LE CALVEZ –
- Paris : Farid HAMAD –
- Chambéry : Clément BERTACCO –
- Marseille : Océane VALOTTI –
- Toulouse : Amanda MARNEIX –

June 2024
INSEEC hosted the CFNews Grands Prix de la Croissance Externe Sud Ouest for the second year running
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