Presentation – MSc – Master of Science – Grande Ecole accredited by CGE – Sustainable Tourism Management

INSEEC Grande École has developed a range of Master of Science courses that enable students to acquire the skills, aptitudes and methods needed to practice a profession or activity in the sustainable tourism sector in an international context, and thus meet the needs of companies focused on more sustainable and ethical tourism on an international scale.

Master of Science Program
Teaching focuses on the international issues involved in developing sustainable and ethical tourism offers, and is given 100% in English.
The MSc program is built around an active pedagogy that includes seminars, business cases, learning expeditions …
The MSC program at INSEEC Grande École is accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles.

Courses – MSc Sustainable Tourism Management
Specialty courses
- Tourism geopolitics
- CSR and ethical management
- Ecotourism value chain
- Urban tourism
- Sustainable project management
- ISO Standards & Green Certificates
- Tourism law
Core courses
- Research Methodology Seminar
- Open Innovation Challenge
- Ecotourism management
- Tourism marketing
- Corporate strategy
- Entrepreneurship
- Marketing and sustainability
- Tourism & Development
- Learning expedition

MSC – Highlights
A soft skills program with an assessment phase and a personal development phase
100% English instruction
A well-balanced mix of PhD professors and research professors, and professionals specializing in the tourism and sustainable development sector and its various business issues.
A 4-6 month internship in France or abroad
A tutored entrepreneurial project
An international campus environment

Written examination
Oral test (English of French)
Individual motivational interview in person with the pedagogical manager of the program
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