The aim of this program is to enable students to acquire the skills they need to deal with the changes that are challenging the traditional banking model.
Guillaume Lefebvre
Program Director
The Financial, Banking & Insurance Manager training course meets the expectations of recruiters looking for expert profiles in the digital transformation of banks
“ Working in banking today has two requirements. You have to be an “relational go-between”, listening to your environment, its changes and its increasingly specific and demanding expectations. This is particularly the case for banking sector in traditional channels and, thanks to digitalisation, automation and artificial intelligence, in new channels. The same applies to management in banking and, of course, to credit and banking operations.
The ambition of this program is to enable students to acquire the necessary skills that will allow them to understand the new challenges to the traditional banking model, which are reflected in the emergence of FinTech (Financial Technology), new players in the financial and banking industry that are shaking up but also enriching such a model: sometimes they are competitors of banks or, on the contrary, partners.
This program prepares students for this changing future and the requirements and skills expected by recruiters today.
The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) certification exam is scheduled during the program, with further training on the Bloomberg terminal possible after obtaining the Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) certification in MSc 1.”
Guillaume Lefebvre, Program Director – Paris Campus

A 1 or 2 year degree to become an expert in the digital transformation of banks
Holders of a three-year bachelor’s degree can apply for the first year of the MSc, and holders of a four-year bachelor’s degree can apply directly for the second year.
The MSc Financial, Banking & Insurance Manager is an innovative course at the forefront of recent transformations in physical and online banking.
This training, in 1 or 2 years, has for objectives :
- Monitor the evolution of digital practices and uses as well as new banking products and services in order to identify their impact on the banking sector and to adapt the company’s digitalization strategy
- Put in place the tools necessary for a digital transformation of the organization
- Designing new banking offers and services for customers after analysing behaviour and expectations regarding digital use
- Maintain and expand e-learning courses in French and/or English on specialized tools and terminals for financial market operators
How to apply to the MSc in Financial, Banking & Insurance Manager at INSEEC?
The required prerequisites
The conditions for accessing the certification system (excluding VAE) are:
- For entry into the 1st year of the course (MSc 1): to have validated 180 ECTS (level 6, License or equivalent) in the field of marketing, commerce, management or communication. He must have a professional level of English for the English-speaking program.
- For entry into the 2nd year of the course (MSc 2): to have validated 240 ECTS (level 6, Master 1 or equivalent) in the field of marketing. He must have a professional level of English for the English-speaking program.
- Executive training is subject to specific prerequisites with professional experience taken into account.
Want to know more about the MSc in Financial, Banking & Insurance Manager?
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The courses presented below are given as an example, they may vary slightly depending on the teaching campus. The course content is adapted each year to market developments and updated before the start of each new school year.
1st year courses
Develop understanding and communication skills in the English language within a financial and legal context. Students may be required to take the TOEIC based on their host campus.
This module aims to deepen the skills of computer learners to meet the demand of companies in terms of budget or business monitoring, project management, personnel management and communication: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Tools for teamwork, business software. It aims to be efficient on office tools, quickly identify and correct errors, customize existing tools or create its own tools.
The focus will be on structuring budgets, making use of summary documents, project controls as they relate to budget management and the creation and steering of performance indicators.
This module allows learners to improve their CV and posture through, among other things, situations (business games, professional simulation, speaking, etc.); practical and professionalizing workshops (CV, professional social networks, coaching, etc.) as well as trade conferences and master class.
This module aims to learn the realization of a business plan or business plan: design of project costing creation or business development. Several stages are covered: feasibility study, market targeting, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, communication, financing plan and profitability.
Apply variables in Python programming to store, modify and retrieve data. Evaluate loop implementations in terms of performance and readability, and create complex loop structures to solve advanced programming problems. Apply Pandas for data manipulation and analysis tasks.
Budget management and control panels
The objective is to acquire key skills in terms of budget management and reporting. The focus will be on budget architecture, with the implementation of summary documents, project management control and its link with budget management, and the creation and steering of performance indicators.
Business plan and company creation
The objective of this module is to learn how to draw up a business plan: Designing a costed project for the creation or development of a company.
Several steps are covered: feasibility study, market targeting, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, communications, financing plan and profitability.
Corporate strategy
A precise methodology is presented for analyzing customer needs, market structure and competitor dynamics in order to identify opportunities and threats.
This seminar focuses on a negotiation in a national and international context.
In particular, it will account for the impact of culture on an international negotiation. The national negotiation will focus on the sales process through role playing.
Perfect English language comprehension and communication skills in a wider context than just business English. Students are required to take the TOEIC test.
Management Information Systems
This module aims to deepen students’ IT skills to meet companies’ needs in budgetary or business monitoring, project management, personnel management and communications using Excel, Word PowerPoint, teamwork tools and business software.
By the end of the course, students will be adept with office automation tools, know how to quickly identify and correct errors, customize existing tools or create their own.
Taxation, wealth taxation and investment taxation
The basics: the tax system and capital gains. Taxation of fixed-income investments, taxation of dividends, the IFU, regular stock market transactions. Taxation of stocks, real estate investment trusts (SCPI), open-ended investment companies (SICAV) and mutual funds, warrants. Taxation of accounts: life insurance, PEA, securities accounts.
Market Finance
The objective of market finance is to maximize the value of the company. The Profit/risk: axiom of market finance. The main financial markets: the stock market, the bond market, the money market, the derivative markets (options and futures).
Financial modeling
The concept of value: discounting, capitalization and valuation. Sensitivity and duration of bonds.
Models for measuring the performance of different financial assets. The performance of financial markets. Market models: CAPM, APT and multi-index models.
The Black-Scholes model in option pricing.
Financial analysis
Modern diagnostic tools. Restatements to correct errors.
Tools for financial diagnostics: study of the profitability, solvency and financial structure of the company. Profitability analysis.
Investment policy. The financial structure of the company and financial policies.
Corporate Finance
The objective of the course is to allow the student to acquire the first instincts of a financial analysis by having a comprehensive view of the company through the study and the analysis of the main existing financial documents (balance sheet and income statement). This work will be based on the analysis of the internal legal structure and its impact on the evolution of the company. Emphasis will also be placed on the ability to determine the profitability of an investment and on techniques for valuing a company.
Overview of insurance products
Study of the two main categories:
– The individual market: life insurance, employee savings, personal protection, health insurance, property and casualty insurance.
– The market for companies and professionals: professional civil liability, multi-risk insurance, industrial and weather risk insurance, occupational accident insurance, unemployment insurance for managers.
Overview of the main banking products
Deciphering the 3 main markets:
– The retail market (traditional banking activities, online banking, savings and investments, mortgages, non-bank services).
– The professional market (account management, leasing, loans).
– The corporate market (factoring, loans, cash management products).
2nd year courses
Preparing for and passing AMF certification
Master the technical knowledge required by the financial profession (financial instruments and risk, third-party management, operation and organisation of markets, issues and securities transactions).
Practice and pass the AMF certification exam with random selection of questions from a database of 2000 questions.
Professional technical workshops and personal management
CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.
Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, public speaking and stage fright management, management techniques and leadership.
Skills assessment, coaching, digitization of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the defence of the applied research thesis.
Management and leadership
The application of the major strategic theories of the company is discussed.
Strategic case studies, consulting and organization in companies. Learn to organize, plan and implement strategies to ensure the smooth operations of a bank branch.
Computerized management tools
Software (excel, word, VBA, professional software).
Business conferences
Presentation of the jobs in the sector by professionals.
Financial markets
Learn the regulations governing the activities of investment services providers and in particular, the institutional framework, corporate compliance, the fight against money laundering, market abuse, canvassing and customer relations.
Master the minimum technical knowledge required to work in the field and in particular, financial instruments and their risks, management on behalf of third parties, the functioning and organisation of the markets, post-trade, the issuing and trading of securities, the fundamentals of accounting and finance.
Prepare for the AMF certification exam.
International financial environment
Understand how the international financial system works, the roles and interactions of main players.
Understand the needs of companies and the risks associated with current international trade operations. Acquire the technical grounding necessary for cash flow operations and export risk coverage.
Banking environment and financing techniques for businesses and individuals
Discover the institutional framework of banking activity in deposit and loan operations.
Understand the specificities of banking with corporate clients.
Support Leveraged the financial operations of companies (management of customer receivables, cash management, etc.) and individuals (real estate loans).
Leveraged financial arrangements for investment transactions (SCI, LBO)
Risk management
Evaluate the economic, financial, legal and operational risks in banking and insurance operations. Analyze financial, economic and geopolitical information that may affect the markets. Assess operational risks.
Set up a preventive and corrective action plan. Identify the financial risks of the client company and propose hedging solutions (derivatives, swaps).
Bank management and the impact of digitalization
Compliance, risk management, permanent control and digitalization
Organization of governance in a bank and role of the audit committee. The 3 pillars of Basel III and Solvency II. The raw risk rating on 3 axes (impact/frequency/risk appetite).
Top-down and bottom-up processes associated with risk map construction in a digitalized business model. Securing online payment flows (financial crime, fraud, money laundering).
Fintech marketing and banking digitalization
Marketing segmentation of business models: retail banks, private banks, corporate and investment banks, direct banks, pure players, hybrid players with payment methods (mobile payment, contactless smart card, paypal).
Complementarity between physical banking and digitalization.
Financial analysis and diagnosis
Carry out a financial analysis of companies under French (tax return) or international (IFRS and US GAAP) standards, depending on the point of view chosen (investor or creditor).
Use the tools for collecting and analysing financial information (bloomberg, etc.).
Assess the profitability, investment policy and financing of a company.
Discover the differences between French accounting standards, international accounting standards (IFRS) and Anglo-Saxon standards (US GAAP).
Asset management
Analyze the client’s finances and assets. Determine client’s asset structure. Work with the client to define goals and establish a wealth diagnostic. Guide the client toward asset solutions while accounting for the client’s circumstances and legal and tax constraints. Establish a financial strategy and direct the client to experts (notaries, lawyers, tax specialists). Devise a management mandate with the client and monitor the performance of the investment operations carried out.
Personal and investment taxation
Master the basics of tax calculation (taxable persons, territoriality rules, tax household, family quotient, net income).
Calculate the overal gross income, deductible expenses, applicable deductions to income and tax reductions. Understand taxation of investments, assets and transfer of assets.
Mastering the calculation of income tax and real estate wealth tax.
Understand the taxation of property income and capital assets and the taxation of the transfer of assets.
Discover the main tax niches and their interest in an asset strategy.
Overview of insurance products and techniques
Understand the specificities of the insurance market and its actors (insurance companies, general agents, brokers, risk managers, actuaries…).
Understand the tools and techniques of the insurer (contractual clauses, setting premiums, penalties incurred by the insured, responsibilities of the parties, etc.) in the negotiation.
Have a grasp on the full range of insurance products.
Know the prerequisites for obtaining a policy for installation and the strategy for developing a customer portfolio.
Analyze the client’s situation and identify their insurance needs. Identify the means of protection and risk prevention. Assess the risks and estimate the amount of losses in case of a disaster on-site.
Asset management and collective investment
Use the principles of modern portfolio theory to build a portfolio.
Develop and manage a fictitious portfolio within the framework of a management mandate.
Apply the principles of risk diversification by using alternative investments (real estate, commodities, private equity funds).
Discover the common sense rules and portfolio management methods of great managers.
Know the main types of management: active vs. passive management, value vs. growth management, market timing vs. stock picking.
Get acquainted with the elements of collective investment. Use collective management products (UCITS, etc.) to build a portfolio adapted to the client’s risk profile and the client experience.
Understand the competitive issues and future challenges in banking and insurance.
Understand the mechanisms of value creation and the characteristics of financial marketing.
Financial strategy and digitalization
Profitability and digital banking. Challenges of digital transformation in banking. Business model development by FUSAC – compliance with IFRS 3.
Digitalization business model development by joint agreement – compliance with IFRS 10; by participating in IFRS 9 AFS start-ups; or through innovation and migration of the internal information system in compliance with IAS 38.
Gain an understanding of banking digitalization and the criteria for capitalizing development costs.
Blockchain, crypto-currency and bitcoin
The paradigm shift brought about by Fintech and the digitalization of banking. New digital players are shaking up the banking ecosystem.
Purchase, storage and payment in cryptocurrency
Dedicated risk management information systems
Project management
Project and team management: test management techniques and measure return on investment. Define and negotiate cost, quality and deadline objectives. Organize a project (OBS) and define responsibilities and tasks. Oversee a project and manage human and financial resources.
2 start dates per year and varying study formats
There are two openings per year, in February/March and September/October. To check the enrolment availability, contact the admissions department directly.
The pace of the courses may differ depending on the campus and whether the training is carried out under an internship agreement (full-time study) or a professionalization/apprenticeship contract (continuing education).
The work-study contract must be signed for a period of 12 months (MSc2) or 24 months (MSc1 + MSc2).
To find out the duration of the contract for our Spring intake, please contact the Admissions Department of the campus that interests you.

Job opportunities after an MSc in Banking Digitization
- Private Banking Advisor
- Compliance Officer
- Wealth Manager
- Leasing Investment Officer
- Deputy Financial Officer
What business skills are developed?
The objectives in terms of skills are to be able to:
- Analyze strategic company data
- Direct and monitor the company’s activity
- Ensure the sustainability of the company’s activity
- Make financial recommendations and mastering communication
This program delivers the “Expert in Financial Analysis ” RNCP level 7 title.
The certification is obtained by completing all skills blocks in their entirety
For more details, please consult the online repository: https: //
What are the teaching methods?
Teaching methods
- Lectures and interactive courses
- Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
- Conferences, seminars and educational visits
Evaluation methods
- Individual or group case studies
- Individual and group oral presentations
- Individual and group files
Methods and tools
- The evaluation methods are in person, in the form of continuous assessment or final written exams.
What is the 2025/2026 tuition to enter the program?
Full-time studies:
- MSc1: €11,400
- MSc2: €12,950
Continuing education (sandwich course) :
- 24 months : €22,850 before tax
- MSc2 : €13,650 before tax
Initial training:
- MSc1 : 11 850 €
- MSc2 : 13 500 €
Continuing education (sandwich course) :
- 24 months : 23 850 € HT
- MSc2 : 24 250 € HT
- VAE : €4,200 before tax
- VAP : €850 before tax
International Student Pack: Mandatory fee of €490 for exclusive support services for international students.
What kind of financial aid is available?
INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes :
- The alternating rhythm, in internship or work-study contract
- The right to training via the CPF
- Partnerships with banking institutions referenced at INSEEC
Key NUMBERS for the MSc Financial, Banking & Insurance Manager
Overall satisfaction with training after 6 months – Class of 2022
National success rate – Class of 2023
Employability rate (140 anwsers under 368) – Promo 2022
Presentation rate – Promo 2021
The OMNES Education Group pays particular attention to the societal environment, including the disability dimension. Indeed, we believe that students with disabilities should not have any problems in pursuing their studies and starting a professional career. We accompany them to facilitate their access to the premises, offer them personalized advice as well as adapted accommodations throughout their school career.
Accessibility of premises: all our campuses are accessible to people with disabilities.
To learn more about the OMNES Education Group’s disability policy, click here.
Contacts for disability referents by campus:
Bordeaux : Maxime DOUENS –
Lyon : Anissa GASMI –
Rennes : Laura LE CALVEZ –
Paris : Farid HAMAD –
Chambéry : Clément BERTACCO –
Marseille : Océane VALOTTI –
Toulouse : Amanda MARNEIX –

June 2024
INSEEC hosted the CFNews Grands Prix de la Croissance Externe Sud Ouest for the second year running
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