Master of Science Supply Chain (100% English)
The Supply Chain program allows students wishing to train in supply chain management to be in possession of all the tools and methods necessary to become experts in the management and performance of the business environment.
This program covers resource management within an entity, process design, logistics, operations management and supply chain performance. All of the transversal and specific courses combine theoretical knowledge with practical and professional situations, allowing participants to be in possession of a certain technical expertise and to be operational by the end of the training.
As the latter is intended to be highly professionalizing, the professional lecturers attach particular importance to making students aware of the current challenges of the supply chain by providing them with the strategic and managerial skills necessary to evolve in this interdisciplinary environment with a strong international dimension.

A 1 or 2 year degree to become a performance and supply chain expert
Holders of a 3-year Bachelor degree can apply for the first year of the MSc, and holders of a 4-year Bachelor degree can apply directly for the second year.
The MSc Supply Chain deals with the problems linked to the management of flows circulating in the company in a context of strong transformation. It integrates the current issues that the company and its environment are confronted with on a daily basis, whether they are financial, temporal, organizational, ethical or ecological.
As these issues apply to all the fundamental stages of the supply chain such as procurement, storage or delivery, the training enables participants to be able to manage all the operations of the supply chain and to establish the different strategies necessary to ensure the performance of the company. In order to become real business managers, future graduates will have in their possession a wide range of technical and managerial skills that will allow them to enter the job market with serenity.
You want to know more about the MSc Supply Chain? Sign up for an Open Day!
INSEEC Master of Science Supply Chain Courses
The courses listed below are examples only and may vary slightly depending on the campus. The content of the courses is adapted each year to market developments and is updated before the start of each new school year.
1st year MSc Supply Chain courses
Business Game
The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.
Professional Technical Workshops and Personal Management
- CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.
- Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management and leadership techniques (PRADITUS).
- Skills assessment, coaching, digitalisation of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the oral presentation of the applied research thesis.
Trade conferences
Presentation of the professions in the sector by professionals.
Budget management and dashboards
The objective is to acquire key skills in terms of budget management and reporting. The focus will be on budget architecture, with the implementation of summary documents, project management control and its link with budget management, and the creation and control of dashboards.
Business plan and setting up a company
The objective of this module is to learn how to draw up a business plan by designing a costed project for the creation or development of a company.
Several steps are covered: feasibility study, market targeting, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, communication, financing plan and profitability.
Corporate strategy
A precise methodology for analyzing customer needs, market structure and competitor dynamics to identify opportunities and threats in the environment is presented.
This seminar focuses on a negotiation in a national and international context.
In particular, it will be necessary to take into account the cultural dimension and define its impact in an international negotiation. The national negotiation will focus on the sales process through role playing.
To perfect English language comprehension and communication skills in a wider context than just business English. Depending on the campus, students are required to take the TOEIC test.
Management Information Systems
This module aims to deepen students’ skills in IT to meet the needs of companies in terms of budgetary or commercial monitoring, project management, personnel management and communication: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, teamwork tools, business software.
It aims to be efficient with office automation tools, identify and correct errors quickly, customize existing tools or create your own tools.
Business game
The business game is played using a business simulator. Groups of students are responsible for running a business in real time. All major business functions are covered. Students will make decisions to maximize the profitability of the business.
Business Skills
What makes a successful business person?
Internal and external communication skills; managing your priorities and deadlines; organization and time management skills; being a great listener, writer and speaker; effective sales techniques; effective group dynamics and project management skills; understanding international business culture.
International purchasing and supply chain logistics
This module is designed for current and future procurement professionals and reflects the levels of understanding and competence required to manage procurement at an international level. The following elements will be studied and analyzed through real case studies.
Logistics project management
This module covers the fundamental elements for the elaboration of the company’s logistics strategy, the identification of the different stages of a logistics project and the implementation of a project management approach. The design of optimization schemes for logistics activities will be addressed as well as the definition of work organization modes taking into account the prevention of occupational risks and the measurement of performance.
Purchasing function processes and tools
This course focuses on the development of the purchasing process as well as the mastery of the main tools necessary for the optimization of the supply chain. Presentation and experimentation of negotiation techniques (means, deadlines, subcontracting) with employees, suppliers and service providers. A focus will also be made on the analysis of the purchase request and the drafting of specifications. Finally, the different forms of tendering will be discussed as well as the standards and procedures related to purchasing techniques.
Digitalising purchasing and the supply chain
The digitalization of processes, in particular due to the rise of e-commerce and the urbanization of the population, is leading organizations to a so-called urban logistics. This new challenge in supply chain management is thus becoming a new criterion for customer acquisition and loyalty. In this module, we will discuss the delivery solutions of tomorrow, uberization and collaborative delivery. The focus will also be on sustainable development and the green supply chain.
Financial performance and the purchasing function
An employee working in purchasing and logistics must be able to present results, inform his or her superiors and colleagues, and also make recommendations. This module allows the future employee to analyze the dashboards of follow-up of the markets and the past results, to measure the consequences on the WCR and finally to optimize the costs of purchase in order to improve the profitability of its organization.
Risk analysis and the purchasing function
This module will focus on risk analysis related to the purchasing function as well as supplier risk management. Students will be able to implement a risk management strategy. They will also learn how to carry out an analysis of the purchasing portfolio and map supplier opportunities and risks, including supply chain risks (supply disruption, supplier bankruptcy, double sourcing, supplier scoring, dependency rate, etc.).
Lean manufacturing and production flow management
Production and flow management is a major element for all companies. Lean manufacturing consists of applying lean management techniques to production flow management activities. This module allows students to identify and eliminate all non-value added activities, to manufacture only what will be sold and to move from a real demand driven flow to a just-in-time production system.
International purchasing practices
This course aims to present the evolution of the purchasing function, towards a now strategic role in organizations, in an international perspective. This module also enables you to master the main practices of this function: analysis of the purchasing portfolio, upstream market research, sourcing, calls for tender, full cost analysis, performance management.
Applied quality management
This course aims to introduce the principles of quality management and its main approaches and tools. The aim is to understand all the directives of the quality policy and the quality objectives in a perspective of continuous improvement. At the end of this course, the learner will be able to understand all the dimensions of a company’s quality management system (QMS) and apply it to their needs.
International business and trade law
This module enables students to master the important stages of a contract, from formation to execution and termination. It aims to explain the importance of inserting specific clauses according to contractual risks. It also covers the elements of contractual strategy within the framework of a purchasing approach.
2nd year MSc Supply Chain courses
Professional technical workshops and personal management
CV writing, recruitment interview techniques for the search for an internship, professional project management, team management and meeting management.
Negotiation techniques, transactional analysis and NLP, speaking and stage fright management, management techniques and leadership.
Skills assessment, coaching, digitalisation of the CV and job search techniques at national and international level, preparation for the oral presentation of the applied research thesis.
Global Supply Chain Management
The supply chain is cross-functional and even cross-company in nature, so every decision in the supply chain has multiple consequences. The objective of this module is to understand the fundamentals of supply chain optimization and monitoring; supply chain decisions, operations planning, purchasing and suppliers.
Purchasing Management & Cost Saving Techniques
Purchasing has a direct impact on business expenses and profitability. This module trains future supply chain professionals to create value for the company, reduce and optimize costs in order to optimize the company’s performance.
Logistics Management
Knowledge and mastery of the logistics function, its highly operational environment, its challenges and constraints is essential for supply chain professionals. This allows them to confront theory and strategy with the reality on the ground in order to adapt and optimize the supply chain.
Quality Management
Supply chain management has a direct impact on the quality of products and the overall profitability of a company. The objective of this module is to educate learners on the implementation of a quality management approach throughout the supply chain as it is essential to maintain a competitive advantage and reduce company costs.
Data Analytics and Powering Digital Value Chains
This module will help participants discover how tools such as intelligent data analytics, digital technologies, and automation can help them develop business data-driven action plans, operationalize and improve their procurement and business strategies, and ultimately improve business performance.
Financial Analysis & Providers
This module discusses the use of financial data for decision making and introduces the principles of financial data. Learners will be able to analyze the operations of major international financial institutions and markets.
Global Procurement
This module enables participants to master the activities that are central to strategic purchasing management, such as managing the purchasing process, managing supplier relationships, category management, negotiation, product planning, cost, price and value analysis, and purchasing ethics.
Designing Global Network Distribution & Fulfillment System
This module provides the knowledge and skills necessary to define a distribution structure (or network) that takes into account the demand produced by the end customer, the consumer experience, the variety of products and their availability. It is also a question of integrating into this network the elements concerning the distribution optimization strategy until the eventual return of the products. Thus, storage, product registration, order management, delivery of shipments and management of complaints and returns will be handled.
ERP & Supply Chain
The different ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions will be discussed in order to understand their role and interest in the management of the main functions of the company. The management of an ERP for the supply chain is thus necessary to keep a direct vision and a permanent control on the functioning of the production chain. The management of the supply chain via an ERP system must allow for improved decision making, cost optimization and lead times.
Reverse Logistics & Producers’ Responsibility
In the logic of consumption and expiration of products, this module allows participants to understand the importance of reverse logistics and the challenge for producers to move goods from their point of consumption to an end point. It is essential to capture the remaining value and/or properly dispose of products and materials in a responsible manner. Reverse logistics thus deals with the collection of goods, their transportation to a central location and their sorting according to their final destination.
Supply Chain Forecasting
Supply chain forecasting combines past supply data with demand information and understanding. This module prepares learners to make the best decisions for the business. From cost reduction to consumer satisfaction, forecasting is a critical component of supply chain management, helping companies fill orders on time, avoid unnecessary inventory spending and plan for price fluctuations.
Incoterms & International Trade
Incoterms are a set of international trade rules for common trade terms. These terms govern the responsibilities of the seller and buyer in the transportation of goods between countries, and are redefined every 10 years by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
Contract Management & Negotiation
In the supply chain environment, negotiation often involves the cost of an item, time of arrival and quality standards. Contract management is a necessity for procurement companies, and as supply chains become more diverse, finding ways to reduce risk and ensure high levels of productivity while maximizing business value is a top priority for many procurement professionals.
Project & Team Management
Project management and team management are inseparable. Through this module, future managers will be able to discover the management of a project team and resolve the following questions: what are the specificities of a project team? How to manage a team that has already been formed or is to be formed? How to encourage exchanges and team spirit? How to set goals? How to ensure the progress of the project, maintain the objectives and finally communicate the results?
Supply Chain Risk Management
Implementing the strategy to manage both minor and exceptional risks throughout the supply chain enables the company to operate more efficiently, anticipate risks, react more quickly and ultimately reduce costs and improve service to customers.
Sustainable Development Applied to Supply Chain
Responsible supply chain is now considered as a strategic priority and must be translated into actions at several levels. Raw material extraction, design, procurement, production, logistics and end-of-life processing must be handled in the most sustainable way possible in order to reduce the ecological footprint of a product throughout its life.
Green Supply Chain Management
Foreign Language
2 start dates per year and various rhythms of studies
There are two openings per year, in February/March and September/October. To check the opening of each intake, contact the admissions department directly.
The pace of the course may differ from campus to campus and depending on whether the course is carried out under an internship agreement (initial) or a professionalization/apprenticeship contract.
The work-study contract must be signed for a period of 12 months (MSc2), 24 months (MSc1 + MSc 2) or 18 months for the staggered start of March (continuation of studies in MSc2).

Career opportunities after an MSc Supply Chain
- Buyer
- Project Buyer
- Category Buyer
- Industrial Buyer
- Purchasing and Procurement Manager / Purchasing Director
- Logistics Manager / Logisitics Coordinator
- Supply Chain Manager
What business skills are developed?
- Define the purchasing and logistics policy in line with the company’s strategy
- Conducting the various stages of the purchasing process
- Managing logistics processes
- Managing the performance of the Purchasing and Logistics activity
Professional certification of “Purchasing and Supply Chain Manager”, NSF code 311 and 312, granted by INSEEC MSc (CEE-SO, CEE-RA, CEE-OUEST, CEFAS, MBA INSTITUTE), registered under number 38496 in the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) by decision of France Compétences on 21 December 2023.
The certification is issued by capitalization of the totality of the blocks of competences. Each competency of a block must be validated to validate the block of competencies. Partial validation of a block is not possible. It is also accessible through the Validation of Acquired Experience.
Find the competency blocks associated with this RNCP title by clicking here .
What are the teaching methods?
Teaching methods
- Lectures and interactive courses
- Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
- Conferences, seminars and educational visits
Evaluation methods
- Individual or group case studies
- Individual and group oral presentations
- Individual and group files
Methods and tools
- The evaluation methods are face-to-face, in the form of continuous assessment or final exams in the form of mid-term exams.
What are the tuition fees for 2024/2025?
Initial training:
- Entry into MSc1: €11950
- Direct entry into MSc2: €11350
- VAE : €4,200 HT
- VAP : €850 HT
International student pack: Mandatory contribution of €490 in addition to the tuition fees indicated above for exclusive support services for international students not coming from the European Union.
What kind of financial aid is available?
INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes:
- The alternating rhythm, in internship or work-study contract
- The right to training via the CPF
- Banking partnerships
key numbers of the programme MSc Supply Chain
Overall satisfaction with the programme – Class of 2022
Success rate – Class of 2021
The OMNES Education Group pays particular attention to the societal environment, including the disability dimension. Indeed, we believe that students with disabilities should not have any problems in pursuing their studies and starting a professional career. We accompany them to facilitate their access to the premises, offer them personalized advice as well as adapted accommodations throughout their school career.
Accessibility of premises: all our campuses are accessible to people with disabilities.
To learn more about the OMNES Education Group’s disability policy, click here.
Contacts for disability referents by campus:
Bordeaux : Maxime DOUENS –
Lyon : Anissa GASMI –
Rennes : Laura LE CALVEZ –
Paris : Farid HAMAD –
Chambéry : Clément BERTACCO –
Marseille : Océane VALOTTI –