Why choose MSc Management, Consulting & Strategy?
The core of the Management, Consulting & Strategy program is to decipher the complex issues facing organizations, develop strategic thinking to anticipate challenges and seize opportunities, and master the tools and methodologies of consulting to support companies in their transformation.
It is also designed to train entrepreneurs, consultants, project managers and account managers in the fields of transformation and consulting.
The program is designed for learners wishing to acquire strategic, managerial, financial, commercial and entrepreneurial skills. The program meets the need for versatility and global decision-making when a company is in the process of development or transformation, which impacts on human resources, marketing and communication, and information systems. In this way, the program responds to the needs of companies to adapt their business model, approach and development to today’s world.
Training objectives
The objectives in terms of skills are to be able to :
- Design and implement strategic orientations for the company/organization;
- Steering financial strategy ;
- Manage marketing and sales strategy;
- Managing teams ;
- Manage and implement a digital business project.

A 1 or 2-year diploma to set up your own business or become a versatile manager within a company
- Hours1st year of MSc: 441 hours
- Hours in2nd year of MSc: 441 hours
How to apply for INSEEC’s MSc Management, Consulting & Strategy?
The conditions for access to the certification system (excluding VAE) are :
- For entry into4th year (MSc1): hold a level 6 RNCP qualification and/or have validated the equivalent of 180 ECTS in a course equivalent to the field concerned.
- For entry into 5th year (MSc2): hold a level 6 RNCP qualification and/or have validated the equivalent of 240 ECTS acquired in a course equivalent to the field concerned.
Would you like to find out more about the MSc Management, Consulting & Strategy program? Sign up for an information meeting!
Would you like to find out more about the admission requirements for our Management, Consulting & Strategy course?
What courses does the Master of Science in Management, Consulting & Strategy offer?
The courses presented below are given as examples, and may vary slightly depending on the teaching campus. Course content is adapted each year to market developments and is updated before the start of the new academic year.
1st year courses
Perfect your English comprehension and communication skills in a financial and legal context.
Students are required to take the TOEIC test.
The aim of this module is to develop students’ IT skills to meet the needs of companies in terms of budgeting, sales, project management, personnel management and communication: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, teamwork tools, business software.
The aim is to become proficient with office automation tools, quickly identify and correct errors, customize existing tools or create your own.
The aim is to acquire key skills in budget management and reporting.
Particular emphasis will be placed on budget architecture, with the implementation of summary documents, project management control and its link with budget management, and the creation and management of dashboards.
This module enables learners to improve their CVs and posture through role-playing exercises (business game, professional simulation, public speaking, etc.); practical and professionalizing workshops (CVs, professional social networks, coaching, etc.) as well as professional conferences and master classes.
The aim of this module is to teach you how to draw up a business plan, i.e. to design a costed project for the creation or development of a company. Several stages are covered: feasibility study, market targeting, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, communication, financing plan and profitability.
This seminar focuses on negotiation in a national and international context.
In particular, the cultural dimension will be taken into account and its impact on an international negotiation defined. The national negotiation will focus on the sales process through role-playing.
The aim of this module is to understand the contribution of the various business unit functions to the development and transformation of organizations. At the end of this course, the learner should know the main performance indicators, be able to represent the main processes globally, and understand the internal and external audit mechanisms linked to the functioning of the organization as a whole.
Apply skills to create, format and manipulate data in Google Sheets, using more complex functions and formulas. Learn the principles of message engineering and their impact on AI responses…
Every company undergoes changes that are the cornerstone of its development and survival in its target market. In this context, the management team is at the heart of the change process.
The aim of this module is to provide an in-depth understanding of organizational change and its impact on the expected managerial posture. It will cover the understanding of organizational and corporate culture, based on the sociological daisy chain, the type of approach to be adopted depending on the context, the change curve and the manager’s role.
This course covers the fundamentals of artificial intelligence techniques (machine learning, deep learning, etc.), develops knowledge and skills in data management (analysis, visualization, etc.) and provides an overview of the main players and professions in this field.
Based on the development of a group project, the module covers the techniques and tools for organizing and structuring a digital project in order to optimize costs and determine and meet deadlines. Learners will map out risks in order to anticipate them and reduce their potential impact in terms of costs, completion times and final project quality. The module will also provide learners with elements for optimizing interactions within the project team and facilitating the achievement of project objectives.
Analyze change management strategies. Evaluate changes in the representations and assessments of the challenges faced by the various players. Identify resistance to change and encourage stakeholder involvement.
The aim of this module is to enable learners to integrate the variables of management in all their diversity, and to understand the different types of management so as to be able to manage a team effectively and without conflict. At the end of this course, learners should be able to identify the different types of management, recognize a conflict situation and manage it, identify their own functioning and effectively motivate their team.
The aim of this course is to provide a theoretical and practical overview of the main methods for generating innovation (Design Thinking, Lean methods, etc.). It will also address the main obstacles to innovation from a managerial and organizational point of view.
This module aims to understand the corporate ecosystem (Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, ERP, CRM, Database, IoT, Cybersecurity…).
In an ever-changing context, information systems management is becoming a strategic and central element of corporate management. On completion of this module, learners will be able to steer decisions relating to IS governance.
The aim of this module is to teach learners the global concepts of financial strategy and corporate steering. Learners will be able to grasp the expectations of senior management and financial managers through targeted financial concepts and language. The development of dashboards and performance indicators will enable the transmission of accounting and financial data linked to the strategic management of the company.
This module provides an understanding of statistics and data from a marketing perspective. It covers everything from collecting data to using it to improve decision-making.
Analyze and understand all the factors influencing strategic decisions when launching a new product, entering a new market or changing the competitive landscape. Master market analysis tools: demand, competition, products, environment.
2nd year courses
This module enables you to master the collection, analysis and interpretation of strategic data to anticipate trends, identify opportunities and threats, and make informed decisions. Key skills in research, critical analysis and communication will be at the heart of navigating an ever-changing competitive environment.
Through this module, learners master the different phases of corporate auditing and integrate best practices in terms of consulting.
Implement project, team and financial management. Take into account the techniques used and the measurement of return on investment in the management of such projects.
Define and negotiate cost, quality and deadline objectives. Organize a project (OBS) and define responsibilities and tasks. Break down a project (WBS, PBS). Set up a Data Management Platform.
Digital transformation implies changes in companies’ internal habits and practices. This course provides an overview of the challenges involved in digitalization, including the relevance of proposed solutions, user adoption, to optimize ease of adoption and return on investment in terms of economic, financial, commercial, image and quality performance.
The knowledge acquired in this module will enable you to master the accounting system and the components of the balance sheet and income statement. Key concepts include the formation of income, fixed assets, current operations (VAT), reductions, personnel costs, inventories and borrowings. The course will be based on case studies to facilitate understanding through an approach combining theory and practice. The ultimate aim of this module is to introduce learners to the financial analysis of a company. Financial analysis will focus on the analysis of the business (mastery of the intermediate balance of management (SIG), self-financing capacity (CAF)). But also in the analysis of the financial structure (balance sheet operations, operations, cash flow, supplements).
The first part of the course focuses on analyzing a company’s accounts. In order to manage performance, the aim is to determine the reference costs that will enable you to assess and optimize your performance. It will also enable you to create or implement a dashboard, monitor your activity, optimize your indicators and anticipate financial deadlines.
This module enables you to master the problems of budget management, including :
- budget architecture with implementation of summary documents;
- project management control and its link with budget management ;
- managing dashboards and reporting. In parallel, the principles of project financing will also be presented, including the following skills:
- draw up and monitor a budget and financing plan;
- set up a cost accounting system ;
- calculate the profitability of a project ;
- analyze a file based on a business plan
- set up a pre-study leading up to the investment committee.
How to draw up a business plan for fund-raising: demonstrate the existence of a market and its growth potential, define the required capital contributions and the financial backers’ equity stakes.
The aim of this module is to provide learners with an understanding of customer relationship management and the main data management platforms. They will be able to collect and analyze relevant data to understand their users and create usable databases, set up effective loyalty programs; and finally, learn how to choose and implement the right CRM tool in their organization.
Master techniques for approaching and preparing for negotiations with key accounts. Gather and analyze customer information. Identify stakeholders in the decision-making process.
Innovation management requires knowledge of the different phases of an innovation project, and the right human resources. It also involves knowing the respective roles of the project manager, and the financial and documentary aspects of a project right up to its launch.
This module enables you to discover and acquire the skills needed to implement innovative organization methods. The program covers the following aspects:
- Traditional organization methods: students learn to master classic organization methods, such as the Kanban method, the Scrum method, etc.
- Innovative organization methods: students learn how to implement innovative organization methods, such as the
such as Agile, Lean, etc.
The aim is to implement innovative organizational methods to improve team efficiency and productivity, manage complex projects and steer change.
IS projects are at the heart of innovation, and generally lead to disruption of business processes and changes in user practices. The aim of change management is to facilitate acceptance of the changes brought about by the implementation of a new project, and to reduce rejection factors. We will look at the missions of the project team, the involvement of users and different levels of management, the identification of operational managers and key players, as well as the different tools and their implementation conditions.
This course explores the complex ethical issues that consultants face on a daily basis. You’ll learn to identify ethical dilemmas, develop critical thinking skills and make informed decisions, while respecting your company’s values and professional standards. You’ll study real-life cases to better understand the implications of your choices on stakeholders and your organization’s reputation. You will acquire the tools you need to navigate in a professional environment that is increasingly demanding in terms of integrity and social responsibility.
This course will equip you to effectively manage the conflicts inherent in the consulting world. You will learn to identify sources of tension, develop appropriate communication strategies and facilitate negotiation. You will discover the fundamental principles of mediation and techniques for guiding conflicting parties towards lasting solutions. This will enable you to act as a neutral third party and contribute to the peaceful resolution of disputes within organizations.
The applied research dissertation aims to develop analytical and reflective skills around a managerial issue. It is an opportunity to demonstrate rigor in analyzing a problem or managerial issue and formulating operational recommendations. The research dissertation is the reflection of the research work, and is structured around three main stages: the literature review, the qualitative and/or quantitative study and its results, and the managerial recommendations.
Steering and monitoring a Data project from conception to evaluation (REX), organizing and inspiring collective intelligence using collaborative methodologies, mastering and driving change in organizations in the service of innovative marketing: agile methods (Scrum, Design Thinking, etc.). This seminar puts agile project management into practice through the Design Sprint method. Learners can test this method in real time and immerse themselves in the heart of a project.
Apply Looker for data mining, reporting and dashboarding. Understand the fundamentals of UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) design, including design principles and user-centered design.
This course will enable you to master the challenges of data management in a consulting context. You will learn how to collect, structure, analyze and interpret large quantities of data to inform strategic decision-making. You will discover the latest tools and methodologies for transforming data into relevant information. This will enable you to support your customers in their digital transformation and process optimization projects.
Assessments in the form of continuous assessments and final exams are organized for each year of study. They can take the form of oral presentations, portfolio presentations, case studies, etc., and can be carried out individually and/or in groups.
What are the start dates and study rhythms?
There are two re-entries per year, in February/March and September/October. To check the opening of each intake, contact the admissions department directly.
The pace of courses may vary from campus to campus, and depending on whether the course is taken under an internship agreement (initial) or a professionalization/apprenticeship contract (continuing).
The work-study contract must be signed for a period of 12 months (MSc2), 24 months (MSc1 + MSc2) or 18 months for staggered start dates in March (continuation of studies in MSc2).

Career opportunities after an MSc in Management, Consulting & Strategy
- Director/Manager/Company manager
- General Manager
- Junior Manager
- Executive Vice President
- Department manager (e.g. marketing director)
- Branch Manager/Branch Manager
- Organization Consultant
To consult detailed job descriptions by specialization.
What business skills are developed?
The objectives in terms of skills are:
- Design and implement strategic orientations for the company/organization;
- Steering financial strategy ;
- Manage marketing and sales strategy;
- Managing teams.
In addition to these common skill sets, we offer the following optional sector specialization:
- Manage and implement a digital business project.
Description of how to obtain the certification by capitalizing on blocks of skills and/or by correspondence, the certification is obtained:
- Validation of four blocks of skills common to all courses, plus a block of specialization depending on the candidate’s course (each block of skills must be passed with a mark of 10/20 or higher);
- A minimum 132-day work placement during the second year of the program (MSc 2).
Professional certification
Professional certification as a ” Manager of Companies and Organizations “, NSF code 310, awarded by INSEEC MSc (CEE-SO, CEE-RA, CEFAS, MBA INSTITUTE), registered under number 36493 in the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) by decision of the Director General of France Compétences on June1, 2022.
Certification is awarded by capitalizing on all the skill blocks. Each skill in a block must be confirmed to obtain the block of skills. Partial validation of a block is not possible. It is also accessible via the Validation of Acquired Experience (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience).
To find out more about the blocks of skills associated with this RNCP title , click here.
What are the teaching methods?
Teaching methods
- Lectures and interactive courses.
- Role-playing through group or individual case studies carried out by students.
- Conferences, seminars and educational tours.
Evaluation methods
- Individual or group case studies.
- Individual and group oral presentations.
- Individual and group files.
Methods and tools
- Assessment is carried out face-to-face, in the form of continuous assessment or final exams in the form of mid-term exams.
What are the tuition fees for 2025/2026?
Initial training:
- MSc1 : €10,650 VAT
- MSc2 : €12,550 VAT
Continuing education (sandwich course) :
- 24 months : €22,500 VAT
- MSc2 : €12,950 VAT
International students pack
Mandatory fee of €490 for exclusive support services for international students living outside the European Union.
Initial training:
- MSc1 : €10,990 VAT
- MSc2 : €12,950 VAT
Continuing education (sandwich course) :
- 24 months : €23,400 VAT
- MSc2 : €13,490 VAT
International students pack
Mandatory fee of €700 for exclusive support services for international students living outside the European Union.
In the case of work-study training, tuition fees are payable by the OPCO and the company signing the contract.
- VAE: €4,800 excl. VAT
- VAP: €850 excl. VAT
International students pack
Mandatory fee for exclusive support services for international students living outside the European Union.
- Spring intake (2025) – February/March: €490
- Fall intake (2025) – September/October: €700
What kind of financial assistance is available?
INSEEC offers a number of financial aid schemes:
- Alternating work-study or work-study contracts.
- The right to training via the CPF.
- Banking partnerships.
key NUMBERs for RNCP n°36493 "Manager of companies and organizations".
National success rate
Class of 2023
Presentation rate
Class of 2023
Overall integration rate
Class of 2022
Satisfaction rate at 6 months
Promo 2022
*Details by campus on request
What is our school’s disability policy?
The OMNES Education Group pays particular attention to the societal environment, which includes the disability dimension. We believe that students with disabilities should have no problems pursuing their studies or starting a professional career. We support them by facilitating access to our facilities, offering personalized advice and making appropriate adjustments throughout their academic career.
Accessible premises: all our campuses are accessible to people with disabilities.
To find out more about OMNES Education’s disability policy, click here.
Contacts for disability representatives on each campus:
- Bordeaux: Maxime DOUENS – mdouens@inseec.com
- Lyon: Anissa GASMI – agasmi@inseec.com
- Rennes: Laura LE CALVEZ – llecalvez@omneseducation.com
- Paris: Farid HAMAD – fhamad@inseec.com
- Chambéry: Clément BERTACCO – cbertacco@inseec.com
- Marseille: Océane VALOTTI – ovalotti@omneseducation.com
- Toulouse: Amanda MARNEIX – amarneix@omneseducation.com