INSEEC Grande Ecole aims to equip our students with professional and technical skills as well as interpersonal sensitivities that they will need when joining complex organizations from small companies to large multinational entreprises. Our students are unconventional, they are clever outsiders, who reach positions of responsibility or who create great companies.
Thomas Allanic
Managing Director of l’INSEEC Grande Ecole
A 2 or 3 year Grande Ecole Program of Excellence

What are the academic recognitions of INSEEC Grande Ecole?
INSEEC Grande École delivers a
Master’s degree, recognized in France and abroad
AMBA accredited. As a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and the Chapitre des Écoles de Management, we guarantee
the high level of quality and international recognition of our courses
Graduation rate: 97%.
INSEEC Grande Ecole accreditations and recognitions

The program year by year
Evaluation of students can take different forms, namely :
- Set individual exams, written or oral tests during class sessions ;
- Individual or group work during class sessions ;
- Continuous assessment freely organized by the teachers in each course ;
- Final exams organized by the administration during finals week

Year 1 – Licence 3 : The opening
The program of the year of L3 mixes the fundamental themes of culture and themes specific to the management professions. This year focuses on expanding knowledge to adapt to the contemporary world.
*Classic curriculum (no apprenticeship offered in the first year)
When? From September to December
Where? Bordeaux, Lyon or Paris campuses
*The programme is mainly made up of face-to-face courses, and sometimes distance learning.
- Understanding the major issues of the world – 8 ECTS
- Knowing how to work in an intercultural environment – 5 ECTS
- Developing critical and autonomous thinking – 6 ECTS
- Becoming an expert, responsible and efficient manager – 10 ECTS
- Supervised collaborative work: INSEEC Personal Project – 2 ECTS
When? From January to March
Where? Bordeaux, Lyon or Paris campuses
*The programme is mainly made up of face-to-face courses, and sometimes distance learning.
- Understanding the major issues of the world – 4 ECTS
- Knowing how to work in an intercultural environment – 3 ECTS
- Developing critical and autonomous thinking – 4 ECTS
- Becoming an expert, responsible and efficient manager – 2 ECTS
- Undertaking and leading change – 4 ECTS
When? From March to April
Where? London Campus
- Global Challenges & Strategic issues
- Multicultural issues
- Critical Thinking
- Management and Business Skills
Total : 12 ECTS
When? From May to August
Where? In France or abroad
- Internship in a company – 2 ECTS 10 weeks minimum.
The courses as if you were there:
Our study exchanges
Discover our campus in London for two months during your first year at INSEEC Grande Ecole.
This internationalization is a real opportunity for personal and multicultural development.
Our major study events
A week dedicated to the initiation to sustainable development and its stakes, through a series of conferences and real-life situations.

Year 2 – Master 1: Exploration
The second year program brings the business world a little closer to the real world. It is also a unique opportunity to study abroad and to open up to the world.
Three possible pathways to professionalization:
In addition to the core curriculum, you can now begin to specialize in one of the three main areas of the business world.
*The programme is mainly made up of face-to-face courses, and sometimes distance learning.
- Finance
- Marketing
- Management
When? From September to December
Where? Bordeaux, Lyon or Paris campuses
- Building autonomy and the ability to decipher the world – 5 ECTS
- Methods, skills & professional practices – 16 ECTS
- Choice of one of the three professionalization paths – 10 ECTS
– Professionalization Finance
– Marketing Professionalization
– Professionalization Management
When? From January to May
Where to go? Free choice ofone of the 160 partner universities
You are free to choose the foreign institution where you will do your academic stay, but you must validate the course you have followed. – 25 ECTS
When? From June to August
Where? In France or abroad
Internship – 4 ECTS
12 weeks minimum.
Semester abroad
In addition to our campuses in London and San Francisco, we offer our students the opportunity to spend a semester or a year at one of our partner universities.
The preparation week ay ENSOA
Since April 2007, INSEEC Grande Ecole has been organizing, in partnership with the French Army’sNational School for Non-Commissioned Officers (ENSOA)in Saint-Maixent , an introductory course on command and crisis management in a degraded environment.

Year 3 – Master 2: Consolidation
Our specializations
In the final year, the student adopts an agenda similar to that of a working executive. They learn to use the methods of action research and to make choices. They will then decided on their specilization. The final endeavors include an applied research thesis, an oral presentation and a final internship.
*The programme is mainly made up of face-to-face courses, and sometimes distance learning.
Our specializations in videos :
– International Business Management
– Entrepreneurship Management and Leadership
– Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
– Management & Human Resources
– Finance, Audit and Control
– Corporate finance and risk
– Finance for 21st century practitioners
– Marketing Management in the new era
– Luxury Brand Management
– Business and Purchasing management
*The certification is obtained by acquiring all the skills modules.
International scope the Grande Ecole
In order to offer you the most international training possible, we have included :
- A mandatory academic semester at one of our 160 partner universities.
- The possibility of doing a double or triple degree in one of our partner universities.
Professionalization at the heart of the INSEEC Grande Ecole program
The first professional or associative experiences contribute to a better understanding of the working world. Therefore, INSEEC Grande Ecole helps its students to find an internship or a work assignment.
INSEEC Grande École also offers its students the opportunity to complete their two-year Master’s degree in the form of a work-study program. The students thus benefit from theoretical training that is immediately put into practice in the company. The work-study rhythm on our campuses is 2 weeks in the company and 1 week on campus.
What are the two work-study options offered at INSEEC Grande Ecole?
Each formula allows the student to gain significant professional experience in addition to the acquisition of academic knowledge.
- Learn more about the apprenticeship contract
- Learn more about the work-study agreement
- Learn more about work-study programs

Student associations to combine dynamism and diversity.
INSEEC Grande École cultivates a rich and varied community life, with more than 30 associations spread across our different campuses. Involvement in community life is a source of personal and professional fulfilment for students.
Professional integration
The Corporate Relations & Employability team supports our students with two main objectives: graduation and professional integration. Quality support and advice offered in constant dialogue with the company, with particular attention paid to the development of each student’s skills portfolio.

How can I finance my studies?
The prices below are for cash payment. They include the cost of the application, documentation, course materials, Internet, Intranet and computer resources, as well as participation in the life of the association.
Several payment methods are available(cash payment, instalment payment).
The amounts indicated are applicable to new students who will begin their studies in 2022.
Year 1: 11,300 euros
Year 2: 12,100 euros
Year 3: 12,100 euros