An internationally recognized degree of excellence – Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

INSEEC BBA is the post-bac international management school of INSEEC
With its state-approved diploma and through its multidisciplinary teaching and its innovative and interactive pedagogy, the school trains future operational managers with international profiles, capable of meeting the major challenges of tomorrow.
Do you want an international career in :
Join one of the top 10 French post-baccalaureate programs .
Guillaume GARNOTEL – Director of the BBA INSEEC

“Faithful to its pioneering character, our school offers a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (BBA ) based on an innovative and ambitious pedagogical project, in line with the economic challenges to come.
Our program, approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and modelled on the Anglo-Saxon of the BBA, gives you the choice, after obtaining the state-approved Bac+4 diploma, between rapid professional integration thanks to the high employability it offers or to continue your postgraduate studies (corresponding to the European LMD model). In this case, you will have access to a wide range of specializations – in France or abroad – offered by our schools around the world.
Our objective is to train young professionals who are pragmatic, operational, multicultural and open to the world, and to prepare them for successful professional integration in France and abroad.
This program, with its strong international dimension, has always focused on the development of skills that are highly valued by companies and that will stand out on attractive CVs and make your application stand out from the rest.
The INSEEC BBA, a fully recognized qualification

The BBA INSEEC is triply recognized
With locations in Bordeaux, Lyon, London and San Francisco, the school is regularly ranked among the top 10 French post-bac to Bac+4 programs.
Our program is triply recognized :
- A VISA issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research,
- A level-six RNCP title issued by the Ministry of Labour
- The international format of the degree (BAC+4) which corresponds to the the English-speaking world’s qualification system.
This recognized qualification is a guarantee of the pedagogical quality of our four-year course and allows a rapid and promising professional integration.
BBA INSEEC training by year

first year:
Discover the business world and develop your general knowledge
The first year of the INSEEC BBA program aims to teach students fundamental knowledge in the major management disciplines by providing them with training in marketing, management, law and international trade, as well as methodological and cultural skills: modern languages, methods and expression, general knowledge and international outlook.
The first year of the BBA program is punctuated by several highlights:
Business Game and role-playing exercise on managing a company
A “smart” parking lot that locates your car, a virtual cemetery, an innovative infusion system, a comforter that records the voice of parents… Each year, students put their imagination to the test to come up with innovative ideas, bring them to fruition and develop their entrepreneurial spirit. By carrying out these business projects, students learn to work as a team, develop their creativity, reach out to business professionals and put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their management training.
1 month in France or abroad
Learn to work as a team over time. To carry out a concrete project from A to Z in order to develop professional skills and opening on the society. Set up partnerships, look for sponsors, build and promote events, manage a budget etc.
Possibility to study for four weeks on the London campus, to do an internship, a student job or a humanitarian mission.
Discover the first-year courses
1st year – CLASSIC COURSE : Pedagogical lessons
Introduction Statistics
Voltaire Project
Marketing fundamentals
Business Game
Company law
Geoeconomics of Europe
LV1 English
Sales techniques
Cross Cultural Management
Corporate IT
CREA Challenge
Project Management – AEP
Geo-political events
Statistics and survey methodology
Market research techniques
Corporate communication
International Trade
Introduction to business strategy-> Business economics
International Week
International Negotiation
Computer Science – Advanced Excel
Story Telling
Sales Team Management
Project Management – AEP
CREA Challenge
1st year – INTERNATIONAL TRACK : Pedagogical lessons
Satistical survey methodology
Marketing Principles
Voltaire Project
Business Game
Business Law
European Markets
FL1 English
Sales Pitch
Cross Cultural Management
Business Computing
CREA Challenge
Project management-PEA
Accounting & Financial Management
Marketing survey methodology
Market Study
Corporate Communication
International Trade
International Business Strategy
International Week
Politics & Sociology
European Markets
Press Review
FL1 English
International Negotiation
Business Computing – Advanced Excel
Story Telling
Sales Team Management
Associative Project
CREA Challenge

2nd year:
Modeling, understanding business issues and opening up to international markets
This cycle is designed to deepen students’ knowledge of the major management disciplines and to give them a strong international outlook and culture.
The 2nd year of the BBA program is punctuated by several highlights:
All students study to take the TOEFL test in December. This test assesses the academic level of English of students and serves as a reference for the continuation of studies in an academic semester abroad.
This project allows the students to work in groups and to put themselves in a situation where they have to manage crisis situations and strategic reversals.
During this week, international professors from our partner universities come to teach on our campuses and share their methods and vision of their field.
Learn to work as a team over time. To carry out a concrete project from A to Z in order to develop professional skills and opening on the society. Set up partnerships, look for sponsors, build and promote events, manage a budget.
This long internship (3 months), which must be carried out in a non-French speaking country, is the first opportunity for students to experience life and work in a foreign company. Cultural, linguistic and professional contributions are essential here. Possibility of 2 additional months.
Discover the 2nd year courses
2nd year – Classical course : The pedagogical courses
Business financing
Marketing of the offer
Business Game – First Strat
Labour law
Communicate and convince
TCI – International Trade Techniques
LV1 – English
Computer science Photoshop and Indesign
Approach to External Markets
Project Management – AEP
Boot Camp
Advanced Financial Analysis
Advertising Promotion
Cost analysis and control
International Week
Communicate and convince
Computer science – advanced excel
2nd year – INTERNATIONAL TRACK: Pedagogical lessons
Business Financing Plan
Operational Marketing
Business Game – First Strat
Labour Law
Consumer Law
International Trade Methods
FL1 – English
Photoshop & Indesign
Approach to external markets
Associative Project PEA
Boot Camp
Financial advanced Analysis
Project Management
Advertising & Promotion
Analysis & Cost control
International Week
Communicate and convince
Advanced Excel

3rd year:
Immerse yourself internationally and launch your professional project
This year is intended to acquire a strong international outlook and culture. Students have the option of a short or long exchange depending on their desire for international experience.
All our students go abroad for at least one semester during this year. They can, if they wish, travel to several continents to study at one of our partner universities.
The “Atlantis” program allows students to obtain, in two years, three degrees from prestigious participating institutions: a Bachelor of Arts from Linköping University in Sweden, a Master’s of Science from DePaul University Chicago or an MBA from Western Illinois University and, of course, the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration INSEEC.
The BBA INSEEC is one of the four European institutions that created the higher education consortium called
which today includes a dozen institutions in Europe and outside Europe.
BELCO is the result of a long-standing collaboration between
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Cologne Business School
Lillebaelt Academy University of Applied Sciences
(Denmark) and the BBA INSEEC (France).
Discover the 3rd year courses
3rd year – CLASSIC COURSE Pedagogical courses
Budgetary Management
Investment policy and choices
Financial diagnosis
Brand strategy
E-Marketing / Internet Marketing
International Marketing & Communication
Consulting and Development Mission
LV1 English
Business intelligence
Corporate Strategy
Human resources and social relations
Innovation management
Professional Project
Start Up Challenge
3rd year – INTERNATIONAL TRACK : Pedagogical lessons
Finance in a Flat World
Organisational Behavior
Information Systems Management
Consulting and Development Mission
Strategy Case Study – Business Train
LV1 – English
Start Up Challenge
Professional Project

4th year:
Professionalization at the heart of the BBA INSEEC program
The emphasis is on professionalization with specializations. Indeed, in order to best prepare for the post-graduation period, students choose one of the four available majors in the fields of marketing, digital, finance or entrepreneurship.
The 4th year of the BBA program is punctuated by several highlights
All students study to take the TOEIC test in December. This test assesses the professional level of English of students. This score is shared during recruitment interviews (Average score of our students 850 / 990)
Conferences, workshops and testimonials in order to help our students in their search for a job or an internship and in the formalization of their professional project.
This period in a company (in France or abroad) contributes to the coherence of the international CV and often conditions either the direct entry into working life or the choice of specialities in the Master 2 or MSc programme. This internship is linked to the writing of an Applied Research Dissertation which demonstrates the level of expertise and the ability to step back and reflect on the subject.
Discover our 4th year specializations
Pedagogical lessons
Block Chain and Cryptocurrencies
Financial Strategy
Asset management
Excel VBA
Corporate Finance – Global Assets Management
Merger and acquisition
Financial Markets & Trading
Digital Commerce Law
Innovation & Semiotics
Innovation Mindset Project
Project financing
Business Plan
Lean Start Up
Fundamentals of starting a business
Brand Management
Content Marketing
B to B Marketing
Digital Marketing
Marketing Consulting Project
Corporate communication
Brand and Social Networks
Digital Project
E-consumer & Data Analysis
Digital Communication SE0 & SEA
New digital trends
Image editing techniques
Overview of web technologies
Applied research paper
Business engineering
Corporate strategy
Methodology of the Applied Research Paper
Change management
Project Management
International at the BBA INSEEC

The international aspect is a major part of the curriculum.
The School offers a wide range of academic stays abroad (for a semester or a full year), the learning of two (or even three) foreign languages and an English Track from the 1st year which allows students to follow the 2nd year on the London, Monaco or Barcelona campuses.
Each student must complete at least one study period and two work experiences abroad. Each semester, the Bordeaux and Lyon campuses welcome many foreign students from our partner universities around the world.
Professionalization at the heart of the BBA INSEEC program

In a complex and ever-changing world, where the temptation of immediacy is gaining ground every day, there is one quality that is highly sought after in future managers and entrepreneurs: the ability to build and share a vision and a strategy.
The construction of the curriculum allows each student to develop his or her professional project through various experiences in companies. Each year, they are immersed in a professional context in France and abroad in order to develop the skills and qualities that will enable them to enter working life in an optimal way.
To do this, they have a dedicated service, the Career Center, a team that listens to them and provides personalized support throughout the 4 years
Professional integration

Our graduates from the INSEEC BBA program have very good placement figures. In terms of employability, this program remains a safe bet.
- 38K average exit salary
- 97% find a job in less than 6 months
In a tense economic context, our teams are redoubling their efforts to prepare students for their entry into the job market. Professors and alumni offer workshops, conferences, workshops to prepare them for a successful professional integration.
Community life at the BBA INSEEC

More than 30 associations to professionalize you
Community life plays a key role in the INSEEC BBA curriculum and numerous extra-academic activities give rhythm to student life throughout the year. All first and second year students participate and choose, in September, the project they will defend for two years.
Thereare more than thirty extra-academic projects, ranging from humanitarian to cultural to sports, and they cover many fields of action. They allow students to develop their skills in project management, communication, budget management, business techniques and teamwork. Each project is sponsored by a professor, a professional or a member of the administrative team, who supervises and sets the objectives for the year.
This community life is an important step for all students: it allows each one to get involved in entrepreneurial projects and to value their knowledge and know-how on their CV.
Financing of studies

The prices below are for cash payment. Several payment methods are offered (cash payment, installment payment). The amounts indicated are applicable to new students who will begin their studies in 2022.
Year 1: 10 100 €.
Year 2: 10 800 €.
Year 3: 11 000 €.
Year 4: 11 600 €.