MSc 2 Business Development & Business Engineering in Lyon

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The MSc 2 Business Development & Business Engineering program will open in September 2020 on the Lyon campus. This program is designed to provide students with the most up-to-date methods of understanding the BtoB and BtoC markets. But also, and above all, to provide them with the tools to implement and monitor a coherent and efficient sales approach from A to Z.


The sales function is changing

The sales function in companies has evolved enormously in recent years. Those responsible for recruiting new customers face new challenges:

  • Quality above all: nowadays, the growth of a business goes hand in hand with its loyalty over time. In this respect, increasing emphasis is being placed on customer satisfaction.
  • A more complete job: beyond sales alone, salespeople must now intervene (or even manage) the upstream and downstream phases of the sale itself. As such, business development is increasingly part of a business management logic. He becomes a more complete collaborator, with technical knowledge that goes hand in hand with his own commercial skills.
  • The emergence of new channels: recruiting new customers naturally implies the use of new communication channels, including digital ones. Thus, commercial jobs are now intimately linked to their use: social networks, natural referencing (SEO) or paid.


Key competencies in line with the market

The MSc 2 Business Development & Business Engineering trains students in business skills, communication and knowledge of the market and its consumers. The major objectives are :

  • Understand and assimilate the major theories and principles of business strategy
  • Discover the means to deploy this strategy in the different existing channels, while developing a business flow on the existing business
  • Finally, knowing how to use the knowledge acquired in each of the sectors and specific markets


A program with high added value

The MSc 2 Business Development & Business Engineering is resolutely innovative because it aims to “dust off” the canons of traditional marketing and communication.

For this, a large part of the training is focused on the use of new technologies, and the concrete means available to the commercial sector: digital environment, VR offer, augmented reality, robotics …

This program is designed to prepare students for the business profession. There are two kinds of opportunities:

  • Upstream of the sales process: marketing manager, communication or digital project manager
  • In the operational phase: BtoB or BtoC business manager, key account manager or member of the Sales Department


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Updated 24 February 2022