Luxury and Wine are one of the 10 specializations at INSEEC.
The crisis has not stopped the growth of the luxury and wine sectors: the positioning of strong brands in these two areas and the desire they arouse have enabled them to do well and continue to grow their revenues in recent years.
Find the most frequently encountered jobs:
Wine or spiritsbuyer
The buyer is a central player in the distribution department of a company, he chooses the products that it will market.
What are the missions of a buyer?
What are the skills of a buyer?
Category Manager
The category manager is responsible for developing the turnover and profitability of one or more product ranges. He defines the assortments, ensures their visibility and coordinates their implementation in the store.
What are the missions of a category manager?
Animation of the product offer (in collaboration with product managers and sales locations).
Management and monitoring of the performance of the product offer (budget, reporting).
What are the skills of a category manager?
Excellent knowledge of the product line (or universe).
Knowledge of computer tools such as spreadsheets (Excel) or databases.
Ability to manage a project with various stakeholders.
Ability to visualise and realise the presentation and enhancement of assortments.
Brand Manager
The brand manager implements the image strategy of a brand to make it strong and visible.
What are the missions of a brand manager?
The brand manager’s mission is also and above all to coordinate all the development departments of a product and to guarantee the consistency of the brand.
He works with influencers and monitors the brand’s social networks.
What are the skills of a brand manager?
The brand manager must be at ease with relationships and have a critical and artistic sense.
Product Manager
The product manager follows the production and marketing of a product from A to Z. .
What are the missions of a product manager?
He/she establishes a marketing budget for the product and then fully supervises the design of the product, ensuring that the instructions given on its design are respected.
Finally, he validates and implements the communication campaigns and selects the distribution networks.
What are the skills of a product manager?
Hospitality Manager
The Hospitality Manager manages the accommodation requests of congress participants and exhibitors. It promotes the service offer to customers and manages the associated orders.
What are the missions of a Hospitality Manager?
His role is to act as an intermediary between the convention groups and the hotels (booking rooms, processing service requests).
The Hospitality Manager is also in charge of all the modalities of the events he/she is in charge of: registration, transportation, VIP reception…
What are the skills ofa Hospitality Manager?
The hosting manager must also speak several languages to be able to communicate with his clients from all over the world.
Export manager
An export manager is in charge of developing the company’s international sales. Most of the time, the export manager is assigned to a limited geographical area.
What are the missions of the Export Manager?
First of all, the export manager must meet the needs of his current customers in order to build loyalty and maintain privileged relationships.
He will also prospect the companies so that they become potential customers. He will also study the competition and the market.
He must know how to deal with logistical and financial problems: exporting merchandise internationally is not so simple, it is necessary to respect many rules in force, whether it is for labelling, packaging, transport…
What are the skills of the Export Manager?
Moreover, an export manager must be mobile, he/she is often required to meet with the clients he/she works with or with new clients. You have to like to travel.
Merchandising Manager
The merchandising manager works in a point of sale: department store, clothing store, or any other type of store. Within this space, he/she is responsible for placing the products in such a way as to optimize the store’s performance and highlight the maximum value of what is being marketed there. This main mission includes several distinct steps, which establish a rather broad field of action for this profession.
What are the missions of a merchandising manager?
This professional must also conduct studies to optimize the brand for which he or she works, in conjunction with the sales, communication and marketing teams: brand image, design, range of products chosen, etc.
He must then direct the store’s merchandising policy: positioning of products in the sales area, location and highlighting according to the importance of each one, aesthetic layout of the store, decorations, lighting, etc. The objective is to make shoppers want to stay in the store for a long time and consume as much as possible.
What are the skills of a Merchandising Manager?
On the other hand, it is obvious that you need to have specialized knowledge in terms of marketing, commerce and communication. This profession requires versatility since it allows you to work in a wide variety of fields of expertise and at a high level of responsibility.
Director Of Communication
The communication director’s mission is to promote the company’s image to its environment. He/she defines the company’s global communication strategy and manages its implementation on a national or international scale
What are the tasks of a communications director?
Management of the communication department.
Coordination of communication campaigns.
It builds the annual plan and must have short, medium and long term visibility on the actions deployed.
What are the skills of a communications director?
Very good web, marketing and sales culture
Mastery of the main office software for graphic design or publication of content on the web.
Mastery of the graphic chain.
Project and team management skills
Listening and availability, mobility
Enthusiasm and interpersonal skills.
CSR Project Manager
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is an important issue for companies, especially because it can have an impact on their image and performance. It is now necessary for companies to integrate social, environmental and economic concerns into their activities. This strategic and recent mission belongs to the CSR manager.
What are the missions of a CSR Project Manager?
Steering the CSR approach in conjunction with the company’s departments: HR, production, safety, etc. This involves establishing diagnoses, conducting interviews and defining the measures to be implemented
Define indicators and control processes in order to measure the actions carried out (as part of a CSR approach)
Develop communication and lobbying actions: internally, with respect to employees (production of practical guides, training programs, etc.), and externally with respect to suppliers, service providers or customers. Awareness campaigns allow us to promote the commitments made (and kept!) or to inform about future actions.
Produce reports on the actions taken and the annual report: these include various information (CO2 emissions as well as other economic, environmental and social performance indicators).
What are the skills of a CSR Project Manager?
Pedagogy: the CSR manager must understand the issues and make them understood, explain, decipher, mobilize and guide the various internal parties (managers and employees) as well as external parties (suppliers, customers).
Communication skills: this professional must adapt his or her communication to the people he or she is dealing with in order to understand the needs and motivations of each person, to negotiate and convince, and to unite teams around defined actions.