Financing your studies at INSEEC

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How can I finance my studies at INSEEC?

Financing your studies at INSEEC can be done in several ways, with the help of:

Various types of work-study programs to best adaptable to the needs of companies

Work-linked trainings, not to be confused with work-study (exclusive to the apprenticeship and professionalisation contracts), can be carried out under different contracts:

The various alternating rhythms allow students to apply the key concepts learned in class on a daily basis and gain significant professional experience.

Because each field of activity is unique, our various work-study programs have been defined in accordance with the needs and planning constraints of the sectors.

Thus, INSEEC business school offers 4 types of alternating rhythms:

3 days / 2 days:

  • A part-time semester: 3 days per week at school and2–3 days in a company
  • One semester of full-time work experience

1 week / 3 weeks:

  • 1 week of training
  • 3 weeks in a company.

1 week / 2 weeks:

  • 1 week of training
  • 2 weeks in a company.

The accounting calendar:

  • A rhythm based on the periods of activity and closing of the fiscal year for audit and management control training.

These paces vary depending on the program and the level of study chosen, so please contact the admissions department of the campus concerned for more information.

How do I pay my tuition at INSEEC Business School?

Paying tuition fees can be a hindrance for many students. Fortunately, thanks to the work-study programs, you can benefit from many financial advantages. Thus, depending on the work-study contract signed, your age and your situation, you can obtain a salary or a bonus that exceeds the minimum wage.


Many students work in parallel with their studies. Schools often calls on students to organize events such as graduation ceremonies, professional conferences or alumni afterwork.
In all cases, a part-time job or a little job must be paid at least the minimum hourly wage (€9.53/hour).


Students in initial training can complete their training under the internship agreement. The agreement is signed between the school, the student and the company. It is not an employment contract. Its duration cannot exceed 924 hours of effective presence in a company (6 months full time) spread over the academic year. The remuneration for an internship will vary between 577 € (3.75€/hour) and 1 300 € per month, depending on the profile and experience of the student.
You will find detailed information on the page dedicated to internships.


Students can complete their training under the professionalization contract. It is an employment contract concluded between an employer and an employee, for a fixed or indefinite period. The working time is shared between the school and the company according to a schedule defined at the signing of the contract. To qualify, students must be between 16 and 25 years of age or be job seekers aged 26 or over.

You will find detailed information on the page dedicated to professional training contract


Les étudiants peuvent effectuer leur formation sous le régime du contrat d’apprentissage. Il s’agit d’un contrat de travail compris entre 12 et 36 mois à durée déterminée ou indéterminée. Le temps de travail est partagé entre l’école et l’entreprise suivant un planning défini à la signature du contrat. Pour en bénéficier, les étudiants doivent avoir moins de 29 ans. De 26 à 29 ans, l’inscription en tant que Demandeur d’Emploi à Pôle Emploi est obligatoire.
Un apprenti ne peut pas gagner moins que ce qu’il gagnait en pourcentage du SMIC dans le cadre de son précédent contrat d’apprentissage. Aussi, en cas de redoublement, le salaire de l’apprenti reste inchangé.

You will find detailed information on the page dedicated to the professional training contract.


Lasting 6 to 12 months, civic service allows young people aged 16 to 25 to get involved in a social or solidarity mission. “Improving society is a permanent challenge, Civic Service allows the meeting of those who want to take it up. Recognized organizations of general interest or young people wishing to get involved, together, they are a force for transformation of the world.”
It gives a fixed bonus of €580.
Updated 29 November 2024