The professionalization contract or pro contract is one of the means of implementing work-study training. Like the apprenticeship contract, it allows candidates to train while working in a company. The main objective of this contract is to obtain a professional certification that will be used to integrate or return to employment. INSEEC offers European and foreign students different specializations accessible through a professionalization contract. What does this contract consist of?
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Reminder of the definition of work-study training
The professionalization contract is concluded in order to allow students or employees to follow a work-study program. To better understand the principles and terms of this contract, we must first understand what work-study training is.
It is a training system that, as its name indicates, integrates the alternation of two elements:
- academic education;
- theprofessional activity within a company.
In this system, candidates are trained in a school and work in a company according to a defined rhythm.
Since the work-study program involves a professional activity, candidates are therefore subject to an employment contract. Under this training system, this contract can be:
- an apprenticeship contract;
- or a professionalization contract.
The principles and terms of the professionalization contract
The professionalization contract aims to allow students or employees to follow a professional training course with the aim of obtaining a diploma. Thanks to this contract, they can train while working in a company.
This type of contract is available to the following profiles:
- young people from 16 to 25 years old ;
- job seekers registered with Pôle emploi and over 26 years old;
- beneficiaries of a single integration contract;
- beneficiaries of the active solidarity income ;
- beneficiaries of the disabled adults’ allowance ;
- beneficiaries of the specific solidarity allowance.
This contract can be a fixed-term or permanent contract for a period of between 12 and 24 months.
Like the apprenticeship contract, the professionalization contract gives access to certain rights. This is particularly true of the right to the coverage of training costs and the right tocompensation.
On the other hand, since it is an employment contract, the beneficiaries are also subject to a set of obligations. Failure to comply with or breach of these obligations may result in various disciplinary sanctions. One of the particularities of the professionalization contract is that it also gives candidates access to employee status.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the pro contract?
The main advantage of the professionalization contract compared to the apprenticeship contract is that it provides a higher compensation . Moreover, it is possible for the candidates to negotiate the amount of this indemnity to increase it.
In addition to this allowance, the government also provides exceptional assistance to certain companies. This assistance is also granted in the context of an apprenticeship contract.
At the end of the professionalization contract, under certain conditions, candidates can also be recruited by the company.
But it is important to know that in return for these advantages, this contract has some disadvantages.
First, it offers very little flexibility on start and end dates. These are limited to a maximum of 1 month before the start and after the end of the training. Secondly, the professionalization contract excludes the right to a mediator in case of complicated situations (disputes, breach of contract).

Why integrate INSEEC in the framework of a work-study program?
INSEEC is a business school open to the international market and whose main objective is the employability of its students. It offers various professionalizing courses that can be done in the traditional way or in the framework of a sandwich course.
Upon entering the school, students can choose their specializations from among the 10 options offered, which are
- finance;
- marketing;
- business/commerce;
- real estate;
- data and digital;
- communication;
- human resources and health;
- luxury and wine;
- International;
- sport.
At the end of their training, students can obtain, in addition to professional skills, a certification.
Obtaining a professional contract thanks to INSEEC
INSEEC gives its students the opportunity to specialize through work-study programs.
Moreover, thanks to theschool‘s Corporate Relations Department, students can easily find a professionalization contract. The objective of this service is to offer collective and/or individual support to all students.
This support includes the provision of several tools for the search for a contract and/or internship. These tools include:
- CV and cover letter writing workshops ;
- various company events focused on the meeting between companies and students;
the posting of work-study opportunities on the department’s Facebook page.
Updated 2 August 2023