The work-study program allows the student to be both at school and in a company, to have a salary and tuition fees paid. This work contract can vary from 12 to 36 months (permanent or fixed-term contract). As soon as the contract is signed, the school and the company indicate the schedule of each apprentice to better manage the working time. To obtain this type of contract, the apprentice must be under 29 years of age or registered with the Pôle emploi for those who are older.
For young people, the status of apprentice is very interesting. It allows you to improve your skills and get to know the professional world better. As an apprentice, you can get the following financial aid to help you meet your daily needs, pay for your training and also to better equip yourself.
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The apprenticeship bonus
The apprentice must follow a work-study program in a company. At the same time, he or she must also be trained in an apprentice training center (CFA).
Dans le cadre du plan de relance “1 jeune, 1 solution” et afin d’aider à la fois les étudiants et les entreprises, l’État a décidé de verser une prime exceptionnelle de 6 000€ pour le recrutement d’alternants en contrat d’apprentissage ou de professionnalisation.
With this measure, for companies, the cost of recruiting an employee on an apprenticeship contract represents a small remaining expense for the first year of the contract, so it represents a big motivating factor for companies!
This lump sum assistance is available to all companies and associations
- The contract must be signed between July 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022
- It must prepare the student for a diploma or title of Master’s level or lower (bac +5 – level 7 of the RNCP).
CAF apprentice financial aid
Students in university education can obtain assistance from the CAF (Caisse d’allocations familiales). For apprentices who are still dependent on their parents, as well as self-employed apprentices, this type of assistance is quite possible.
For those who are dependent, they benefit from:
- up to 25 years old – RSA ;
- up to 21 years old – family supplement ;
- up to 20 years – all benefits.
For those who are independent, the personalized housing assistance (APL) is available. This assistance varies depending on the rent, the apprentice’s income and the type of housing.
Housing allowances
In the list of financial aid for apprentices, there are also housing allowances which are in reference to the agreement with the State. The amount of this bonus varies according to the amount of the apprentice’s rent and income. The type and location of housing is also a factor in determining the amount of these allowances. When you apply for the allowance, you must mention the area where you will be moving. This last detail is very important and should not be forgotten.

Mobility aids
As far as mobility aids are concerned, they can be divided into different categories:
- the “mobili jeune” aid, which is available to all apprentices under the age of 30. It is a bonus dedicated to apprentices who work in the private sector;
- Regional aid for transport, catering, initial equipment and accommodation for apprentices;
the driving license allowing young people under 18 to obtain a 500 € bonus. Put into effect on January1, 2019, it allows apprentices to get their driver’s license and is awarded by the CFA. More information in our section good plans.
Financing arrangements for non-apprentices at INSEEC
INSEEC offers its students, in initial or continuing education, different possibilities to finance their studies. In addition, the school accompanies students in their research.
Within the framework of continuing education, we count alternating students and professionals. The alternating students are those who have found a company and who follow the alternating training, they have the school fees paid by the OPCO and the company.
As for the professionals, in reconversion or resumption of study, they can use their professional account of training, known as CPF, or the plan of training of the company to make finance their training.
For those who are not on a sandwich course, we speak of “initial training”, different alternatives are also possible:
- the institution works with banking partners who can help students obtain low interest rates. Thus, they can easily finance their studies by obtaining a student bank loan.
- The alternating rhythm in an internship or civic service allows students to obtain a salary which in turn allows them to pay their school fees.
- The Public or private scholarships also allow you to obtain financing.
And for any other questions you may have, you can read our Frequently Asked Questions, attend an information meeting or be contacted by our teams.
Updated 2 August 2023