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The best paid sports-related jobs:
- Professional and high level sportsman. But not all sports are equal in terms of revenue, those that earn the most are in soccer, basketball and golf.
- The best paid jobs are those done after a Master 2 in marketing, finance or sports management. In particular,
- In particular: sports betting specialist, sports journalist, marketing director, sports equipment director…
- Practical advice on how to apply for one of these jobs at the bottom of the page.
Which sports training courses pay the best?
Apart from professional sportsmen and women who often integrate a training center at a very young age, it is not surprising that it is a BAC+5 training (Master or Master of Science) which allows to reach the best paid positions in the sports world and in general.
Having a BAC+5 allows you to target management positions. These are the positions that allow the fastest progression within a company. Of course, a person with a bachelor’s degree and several years of experience in the company can also qualify for positions of responsibility. But the BAC+5, with the inflation of diplomas, is becoming more and more the minimum diploma required.
In order to easily find a well-paying job in the field of sports, the applicant must not only have a sufficient degree, but also have quality work experience. Internship, professionalization contract, apprenticeship contract, VIE, civic service, business creation… As a student, there are many opportunities to work in sports. It is essential to multiply these experiences as much as possible in order to build your CV and to have it as complete as possible. This will send a positive signal to recruiters and facilitate hiring opportunities.

Several study strategies can be performed:
- a generalist education with a specialization in sports through professional experience. The generalist training can take the form of a Diploma from the Grande Ecole program or a Bachelor’s degree in 4 years with an international focus. A major in sports is possible but the teaching remains general. The student will specialize in the field of sports through internship or work-study experience.
- a training 100% specialized in sports. This is often the solution chosen by sports enthusiasts because it allows them to be completely immersed in this passionate world. At INSEC, we offer the MSc Marketing and Sport Management, with an Outdoor specialization available on the Chambéry Campus.
- specialized training in a sector other than sports, coupled with specialization through professional experience. Those who are destined to become sports traders will therefore choose a specialization in finance such as MSc Financial Markets and Trading. The same goes for Human Resources, Community Management, e-business etc. The student may choose to specialize in a certain type of skill, before targeting the sports sector.
In order to easily find a well-paying job in the field of sports, the applicant must not only have a sufficient degree, but also have quality work experience. Internship, professionalization contract, apprenticeship contract, VIE, civic service, business creation… As a student, there are many opportunities to work in sports. It is essential to multiply these experiences as much as possible in order to build your CV and to have it as complete as possible. This will send a positive signal to recruiters and facilitate hiring opportunities.
What are the sports jobs with the highest salaries?
The careers that allow you to have the highest salaries in the sports sector are: high level sportsman, sports trader, marketing director, sports journalist, manager of large sports equipment.Here is what these jobs consist of in more detail:
- Professional athlete in a mediatized sport or in e-sport:
- Sports trader or sports betting specialist: with the advent of online betting sites and applications, the position of sports trader is very popular! Skills in finance and statistics are essential, they must be correlated with an excellent knowledge of the sports environment to which it is linked: new shareholders, rumors, team cohesion, potential new players, past results etc.
- Marketing or Sponsorship Manager :
- Sports TV journalist: Unsurprisingly, not all sports journalism jobs are created equal. Highly publicized positions such as TV presenters at major sporting events or on popular talk shows are better paid than print journalism.
- Sports Facility Manager: the larger the sports facility (soccer stadium in particular), the more skills in terms of human resources, events, sponsorship and logistics are required and the higher the remuneration.

How to succeed in sports?
Success in sport depends on several factors: having the right degree, sufficient relevant professional experience, a good network, willingness, sociability and… the ability to seize opportunities!
How do you build a network in sports?
Having a network at 20 years old is not always obvious! However, there are ways to build this network and have it operational before graduation. Notably thanks to :
- LinkedIn: a free and accessible tool, it is the first networking tool you should start with! Check out the practical tips and tutorials from our coaching experts to get started.
- the School’s internal network: professional conferences with experts from the world of sports, afterwork, job dating
- the professional network achieved through internships, civic service, and work-study programs. It is sometimes difficult to decide between going on vacation with friends or doing an unpaid internship for 2 months in the summer… The arbitration must be made between the short term vision and the long term vision. Any professional experience is good to take, it will bring new skills, line on the CV and deepening of the network. And who knows if the tutor of the 2-month internship will not be able to put you in touch with the HR department of your dream job?
- The sports network: very often the desire to work in sports starts with a passion for a sport practiced in a club. Management team, opposing clubs, teammates were your first sports network and will potentially be professional partners in the future.
What qualities should you have to make a career in sport?
The qualities to make a good career in general and in sport in particular are: being sociable, having the will, organizational qualities, leadership … and knowing how to seize good opportunities when they arise!
The main qualities to succeed in sports:
- have a strong mind and will.
- be sociable. This quality goes hand in hand with the need to have a good network. Participating regularly in events, exchanging cards, connecting with professionals, chatting… will help you build your network more easily.
- know how to get organized.
- be a leader, know how to manage teams.
- know how to seize opportunities at the right time.
Frequently asked questions in the field of Sport
Our FAQ’s answer questions you may have about sports:
Partenaires et événements sportifs INSEEC
January 2022
Rendez-vous INSEEC Sport : rencontre virtuelle avec François VASSEUR, Directeur Marketing de la Fédération Française de Football
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March 2022
RDV INSEEC Sport le 16 mars 2022, avec Lionel ROUX, Directeur de l’Open Sopra Steria de Lyon et ancien joueur de tennis professionnel
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February 2022
RDV INSEEC Sport le 9 février 2022 avec Adrien BALDUZZI, Directeur Marketing et Événementiel à la Fédération Française Handisport
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