An essential part of the BBA INSEEC curriculum, the “Business Game” (sometimes called “Serious Game”) offers students the opportunity to be immersed in the heart of the business world and allows them to put into practice the theoretical knowledge they have acquired by means of virtual or real-life scenarios.
From the first week of the first year, our young graduates are going to be divided into teams made totally at random that will compete against each other. Aurélien Gatesous, facilitator of this Business Game proposed by the company OptigestWe give them the keys to a virtual company, which they will have to manage from A to Z: hiring and firing, sales prices, communication, etc. Depending on the strategic decisions made by the team, a software program will allocate market shares to the most deserving competitors. Depending on the strategic decisions made by the team, a software program will allocate market shares to the most deserving competitors.”
“The objective of this back-to-school Business Game is twofold. First of all, integration: students who do not know each other and come from different backgrounds will have to learn to work together efficiently. Nothing better to break the ice than a little pressure! The pace is fast, so it is important to communicate well and to be united in order to make the team progress. The second objective is of course to confront them with the management of a company. Accounting, recruitment, communication: these are all notions that are often still unknown to these students when they leave high school, and therefore all challenges that they will have to face.
With the Business Game, students are quickly confronted with the professional world: punctuality is a must (latecomers will have to sing a song in front of the whole class…), but they will also work on respecting deadlines, adaptability, reactivity and creativity, skills that they will be able to show off to their future recruiters very quickly. About the Class of 2019, Aurélien Gatesous underlines the fact that out of the 44 teams, none of them went bankrupt during the period of the game, even if some of them started with unattainable objectives and sometimes spent their capital very quickly… The “virtual bankers” of the game put them back on the right track very quickly!

3 intense days of reflection, work but also laughter and beautiful meetings, which inaugurate this new page of the life of our students. Each year, they will be involved in a Business Game, in new teams, with increasingly difficult problems but always a fun and concrete way to learn and develop skills.
Find photos of the Class of 2019 teams on our Facebook page.
Updated 24 February 2022