Master of Science Outdoor Sports Marketing and Customer Experience

Bachelor degree or higher
September, February
Initial training, apprenticeship
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The MSc Outdoor Sports Marketing & Customer Experience programme

With double-digit annual growth, the outdoor industry is a formidable provider of jobs for students passionate about outdoor sports and trained in marketing, sales and communication strategy, with sports equipment manufacturers, specialized distributors or sports marketing companies . Today I have great pleasure in sharing my experience with these young people who know our playground well.
Pierre BRIAND, Skimium Brand Director, Class of 2014 and speaker

With this MSc and its ideal pace for immersing myself in a business, I was able to develop my professional network and have several job offers even before the end of my studies. I finally chose to continue in the company where I did my work-study program
Noémie MAINIERO, Trade Marketing and Sales Specialist France, Class of 2021

I spent two great years with very good people in the outdoor industry who I find today in the professional world, I also built strong friendships. I was able to easily find a job that I love, in my favorite region, the Alps
Arthur AVOCAT-MAULAZ, Sales Manager of the mountain professionals service at Nordica, Class of 2022

I wanted to have a 360° view of the different activities of the sport business. And to diversify, to have a more global vision. This program was the right one to complete my knowledge and vision in this field.
INSEEC is the school I was waiting for. I am very happy to be here today and to finish my schooling here. It has adapted to this new and complicated situation by offering quality distance learning courses. I have been working in this department for three years now. This allows me to get to know the agency, our activities and the employees. I am now in charge of internal and external communication for SPORTFIVE France and the development of SPORTFIVE’s global communication.”

Erwan BERTRAND, Former student – LinkedIn profile

A 1 or 2 year degree to become an expert in Outdoor Sports Management

Holders of a 3-year Bachelor degree can apply for the first year of the MSc, and holders of a 4-year Bachelor degree can apply directly for the second year.

Objectives of the programme

The objectives in terms of skills are to be able to :

  • Develop a customer-centric marketing strategy
  • Manage the operational implementation of the customer experience strategy
  • Design and deploy loyalty levers to boost performance
  • Manage teams and unite around the customer experience concept in agile mode
  • Coordinate and deploy the customer experience marketing strategy in the sports sector

How to apply to the MSc Outdoor Sports Marketing & Customer Experience at INSEEC?

The required prerequisites

The conditions for accessing the certification system (excluding VAE) are:

  • For entry into the 1st year of the course (MSc 1): to have validated 180 ECTS (level 6, License or equivalent) in the field of marketing, commerce, management or communication. You must have a professional level of English for the English-speaking programme.
  • For entry into the 2nd year of the course (MSc 2): to have validated 240 ECTS (level 6, Master 1 or equivalent) in the field of marketing. You must have a professional level of English for the English-speaking programme.
  • Executive training is subject to specific prerequisites with professional experience taken into account.

Would you like to know more about the MSc Outdoor Sports Marketing & Customer Experience programme? Sign up for an Information Meeting!

Would you like to know more about the admission conditions for our programme in Outdoor Sports Marketing & Customer Experience?


The courses listed below are examples only and may vary slightly depending on the campus. The content of the courses is adapted each year to market developments and is updated before the start of each new school year.

1st years courses



The objective of this module is to reveal the potential of students, both individually and as a team, in order to develop their leadership, management style, and agility—key skills in the job market. This will be achieved by utilizing all the marketing, commercial, and strategic skills acquired throughout the year.


The objective of this module is to allow learners to reflect on their professional immersion and demonstrate their analytical and reflective capabilities by addressing a managerial issue related to their corporate missions and certification specialty.


This module, focusing on the marketing/commercial domain, aims to prepare learners for the internationalized world of sports. It enhances English comprehension and communication techniques by providing the necessary tools (“business skills”) to define commercial policies and improve commercial efficiency, management, and business development.


This online module allows for the review and/or deepening of essential English language skills necessary for professional integration. With its “revision and training sheets” pathways, it provides methods for the official TOEIC test (ETS Global).


The objective of this module is to understand strategic management with an integrative approach and to know how to create a business plan. It raises awareness of new strategic management challenges, relies on methodologies, and the application of certain tools. It enables the creation of a Business Plan.


This module enables the acquisition of skills in commonly used enterprise tools essential for marketing, communication, and commercial functions. It covers image software, starting with an introduction to Photoshop for creating or retouching visuals, flyers, photo montages, etc. Additionally, it includes the design of dashboards to manage commercial activities using the advanced features of Excel.


Negotiation is an integral part of professional life. The objective of this module is to cover the entire sales process, from preparation to conclusion, using role-playing exercises.


This seminar offers students practical immersion into the world of sports commerce through a Business Game. Divided into teams representing companies in the sector, students tackle real-time strategic challenges.


This module consists of a thirty-minute oral presentation based on the student’s thesis.


This module is based on meetings with outdoor professionals and various partner companies. It aims to deepen the understanding of the specific and complex outdoor ecosystem, allowing students to enhance their knowledge and expand their professional network.



This module aims to provide an initial understanding of the outdoor tourism sector and to design nature sports offers. It focuses on the knowledge of different types of accommodations and their statuses, and the creation of typical tourist products like micro-adventures. It helps identify the production chain of a sports tourism offer.


This module provides the technical and relational skills to effectively contribute as a manager by optimizing and developing the talents of a team in the outdoor sector. It includes identifying the role and tasks of the manager in relation to human resources, knowing how to recruit effectively, understanding different types of employment contracts, the reasons for termination, and comprehending a remuneration system in its entirety.


The module aims to define the social media strategy for outdoor companies. It covers fundamental elements: the role and importance of social networks, the role of a Community Manager, key networks, KPIs, and identifies best practices and innovative tools. It addresses the creation and management of a community, as well as the development of an optimal content dissemination plan within a communication campaign.


This module enables the completion of a market study by choosing the right methods according to the objectives: in-depth knowledge and understanding of consumer behavior through qualitative studies and identification of market potentials through quantitative methods. It is applied to the outdoor sector.


This module helps build an external communication strategy with a brand strategy and an optimized communication plan based on communication objectives in outdoor companies. It addresses the effectiveness of the existing communication plan, communication budgets, and helps design PESO communication actions aligned with the brand identity and objectives.


This module provides the technical and relational skills to effectively contribute as a manager by optimizing and developing the talents of a team in the outdoor sector. It includes identifying the role and tasks of the manager in relation to human resources, knowing how to recruit effectively, understanding different types of employment contracts, the reasons for termination, and comprehending a remuneration system in its entirety.


This course aims to explore the various aspects of sports marketing and sponsorship, particularly why brands and corporate companies without any link to sports use this medium for promotional purposes. It seeks to understand the role, principles, and tools of marketing in today’s sports world and analyze the most deployed marketing policies through branding management in sports.


This module aims to build a customer-oriented marketing strategy in the outdoor sector: it enables the scaling of prospecting/retention means based on market and company analysis, modeling an omnichannel customer journey, and designing a plan with quantified objectives and estimated returns.


This module provides an in-depth understanding of the components of the outdoor ecosystem, including industrial, tourism, political, union, federal, sports, and economic elements. Understanding the mechanisms of this ecosystem is key to quickly integrating into the sector.


This B2B-oriented module aims to understand the strategic challenges of a commercial policy for sports brands or distributors, performance levers, and control tools. It connects with upstream marketing aspects (product policy, strategic positioning, customer targeting) while providing methods and tools for B2B customer prospecting and retention in the outdoor sector, ensuring alignment with group strategies.


This module aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the components of the French mountain resort ecosystem and analyze its key challenges. It allows for diagnosing the operation of a resort and proposing development strategies for future resorts.


This module aims to analyze and develop the digital strategy of sports businesses, from acquisition to retention. It leverages the fundamentals of digital marketing tools and enables understanding of digital challenges and the conversion funnel. It covers web tools and various acquisition levers to choose the right one based on the objective, and ultimately, mastery of Inbound Marketing mechanics.

2nd year courses



This module aims to identify the strategic choices of a company integrating multiple options in terms of direction (exemple : diversification, new business models). It includes numerous examples and applications within the outdoor sector.


This module aims to provide the keys and fundamental principles of managing a brand using real-world examples from the outdoor industry. It helps define and establish brand values, positioning, brand platform, and various brand strategies aligned with group strategies.


This module aims to define a consumer target and build a product strategy in the outdoor or ski sector based on an analysis of a target market. It involves writing prioritized product specifications, developing an exclusive product range with associated pricing, and managing and promoting a product development project.


This course aims to provide an overview of current eco-design and circular economy issues, and to provide the tools to integrate this “responsible marketing” approach into marketing strategies. It is applied within the outdoor sector (products, such as sports tourism).



This module aims to provide future commercial managers with fundamental knowledge to understand, define, manage, and improve an omnichannel strategy. It particularly highlights key success factors of omnichannel applied to outdoor companies, focusing on brands and distributors. The goal is to offer a 360-degree view of omnichannelity, including its origins, consumer expectations and journey, strategic scenarios, device and tool choices for implementation, barriers, and best practices.


This module has a dual objective of defining retail operations in alignment with other channels while creating a seamless omnichannel experience. It relies on understanding various pricing and promotional mechanics to drive traffic and conversions. It integrates physical retail into the global media ecosystem to enhance brand presence. Case studies focus on a sports retail environment.


This module aims to define various international development alternatives and tools available to businesses, such as exporting, sourcing, and technology transfer. It identifies institutional and private frameworks that can support successful deployment projects. It provides essential insights for managing international development projects, including organization, key stages, typical risks, and market intelligence. Applied within the outdoor market context.


This module teaches how to sell and establish international presence based on market conditions, brand strength, strategic vision, and country-specific factors. It covers regional potential identification, setting quantified objectives by region (revenue and profit goals), by distribution channel, and product categories. It includes developing commercial and marketing tools for SELL IN strategies and establishing communication and sales tracking processes. Applied to the outdoor sector. This module aims to assist managers in decision-making and operational oversight through the creation of dynamic dashboards (using advanced Excel modules and ETL tools).



This module serves as an introduction to public relations (PR) and communications, covering the basics of the profession. It guides participants in creating a PR brief as a brand and defining a PR strategy for product launches or events. It also teaches how to identify PR outcomes such as media coverage and web traffic. Applied within the outdoor sector context.


This module aims to understand the UX approach central to marketing and sales roles. It integrates UX thinking into workflow processes, with practical applications in the outdoor sector including creating dedicated customer journeys and conversion-focused UX interfaces.


This module provides an overview of the essential aspects required for successful outdoor events, regardless of type or scale. It prioritizes mastering key areas such as financing, legal and administrative constraints, event promotion, and understanding the sports outdoor event ecosystem. Participants learn to establish project frameworks, manage event budgets, and oversee implementation stages.



This module analyzes the triggers for change strategies, identifies key success factors, and implements them in new situations. It includes prospective strategic diagnostics, considering managerial systems, and involves developing, deploying, and controlling change strategies within teams. Applied to outdoor sector dynamics.


This module aims to develop negotiation skills necessary for success in international business and B2B negotiations within a multicultural work environment. Applied within the outdoor sector.


This module aims to enhance the ability to identify, analyze, and act upon key variables that influence the performance of a sports company. It leverages all marketing, commercial, and strategic skills acquired to efficiently solve complex real-world challenges typically encountered in the outdoor sector. It allows for improving their team decision-making in an agile environment that is constantly evolving and understanding its effects on operational results. It contributes to revealing the potential of students, both as individuals and as team members.


Ce module On Line permet de réviser et/ou d’approfondir des acquisitions en langue anglaise indispensables à l’intégration professionnelle. Avec ses parcours « fiches de révision et
d’entraînements », il donne des méthodes du test officiel TOEIC (ETS Global).



This module aims to define a marketing strategy in the sports sector, focusing on creating and marketing sports tourism offers abroad. It covers the necessary conditions for successful implementation, including discovering the creation and production of a trip for an outdoor tour operator up to the first departure. This involves analyzing specific customer expectations for sports travel, legal considerations, defining key elements for organizing and delivering the service (air, ground services, logistics, etc.), and associated communication.


This supplementary module, building on MSC1 courses in digital strategy and social media strategy, aims to define, manage, and enhance a mobile marketing strategy. It also integrates new digital practices to create innovative and engaging content across all channels, such as augmented or virtual reality. Specific applications focus on the outdoor sector.


This module aims to apply all skills acquired during the training to enable learners to develop their capacity for analyzing and solving strategic/marketing/commercial/communication/digital/omnichannel issues in the outdoor sports sector. It bridges academic knowledge with practical business realities.


This module aims to define a sports tourism offer abroad, its marketing, and the necessary conditions for its successful implementation. It focuses on understanding the creation and production of a trip for an outdoor tour operator, up to the first departure. This includes analyzing specific expectations of clients interested in sports travel, considering legal frameworks, defining key elements for organizing and delivering the service (air travel, ground services, logistics, etc.), and the associated communication strategies.


This module aims to identify the various economic models of mountain resorts and understand the key elements of their governance. Its purpose is to examine the dominant economic model and make proposals to initiate a model change. It helps comprehend the challenges of change management and identify their implications through case studies.


In a context of constant evolution (digital, CSR, business models, etc.), this course aims to equip learners with concepts and methods that serve as tools for strategic innovation within companies. By examining emerging practices, it enables understanding of the foundations and scope of innovation, and proposes a methodology to create value and implement an innovative marketing strategy. The course includes concrete cases of successful innovations in the outdoor sector and a new startup.

Written exams and research paper

2 start dates per year and various rhythms of studies

There are two openings per year, in February/March and September/October. To check the opening of each intake, contact the admissions department directly.

The pace of the course may differ from campus to campus and depending on whether the course is carried out under an internship agreement (initial training) or a professionalization/apprenticeship contract (continuing studies).

The work-study contract must be signed for a period of 12 months (MSc2), 24 months (MSc1 + MSc2) or 18 months for the staggered start of March (continuation of studies in MSc2).

Career opportunities after an MSc Outdoor Sports Marketing & Customer Experience

  • Responsible for customer experience (Chief Customer Officer)
  • Chief Experience Officer
  • Director of Marketing (Chief Marketing Officer)
  • Marketing Manager Director of fan experience (Sport)
  • Guest relationship manager (Hospitality Management)
  • Clienteling Director (Luxury & Fashion)
  • Wine tourism mission director (Wines & Spirits)

What business skills are developed?

  • Professional certification allows you to prepare the following skill blocks:
  • Develop a marketing strategy focused on the customer experience (“Customer centric”)
  • Manage the operational implementation of the customer experience strategy
  • Design and deploy loyalty levers for performance
  • Manage teams and unite around the concept of customer experience in agile mode

To these common blocks of skills, the following sectoral optional block is added:

  • Coordinate and deploy the customer experience marketing strategy in the sports sector

To consult detailed job descriptions by specialization, click here.

Certification is obtained by:

  • Validation of four skill blocks common to all courses as well as a specialization block depending on the candidate’s course (obtaining a score greater than or equal to 10/20 in each block skills)
  • Completing a period in a company of at least 132 days in the second year of the course (MSc2)

Professional certification of “Customer Experience Marketing Manager” level 7 (EU), NSF code 312, delivered by INSEEC MSc (CEE-SO, CEE-RA, CEE-OUEST, CEE-M, CEFAS, MBA INSTITUTE), registered under number 38598 in the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications) by decision of the Director General of France Compétences of February 9, 2024.

Find the skill blocks associated with this RNCP title by clicking here.

What are the teaching methods?

Teaching methods

  • Lectures and interactive courses
  • Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
  • Conferences, seminars and educational visits

Evaluation methods

  • Individual or group case studies
  • Individual and group oral presentations
  • Individual and group files

Methods and tools

  • The evaluation methods are face-to-face, in the form of continuous assessment or final exams in the form of mid-term exams.

What is the 2024/2025 tuition to enter the program?

Initial training:

  • Entry into MSc1: 11950€
  • Direct entry into MSc2: 12550€


  • 24-month training: 22500€
  • Direct entry into MSc2: 12950€

In the context of work-study training, tuition fees are payable by the OPCO and the company signing the contract.

Do you have any questions about work-study or our school in general? Consult our frequently asked questions.


  • VAE : 4200€
  • VAP : 850€

International package: 490€

What kind of financial aid is available?

INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes:

Key numbers of the MSc outdoor sports marketing and customer experience

Training certification title for the 2022/2023 promotions


National success rate – Class of 2023


Presentation rate – Class of 2023


Overall integration rate – Class of 2022


Satisfaction rate at 6 months – Class of 2022

*details by campus on request


The OMNES Education Group pays particular attention to the societal environment, including the disability dimension. Indeed, we believe that students with disabilities should not have any problems in pursuing their studies and starting a professional career. We accompany them to facilitate their access to the premises, offer them personalised advice as well as adapted accommodations throughout their school career.

Accessibility of premises: all our campuses are accessible to people with disabilities.

To learn more about the OMNES Education Group’s disability policy, click here.

Contacts for disability referents by campus:
Bordeaux : Maxime DOUENS –
Lyon : Anissa GASMI –
Rennes : Laura LE CALVEZ –
Paris : Farid HAMAD –
Chambéry : Clément BERTACCO –
Marseille : Océane VALOTTI –


Updated 6 September 2024